
The sudden switch tovirtual mode of education by top international schools in Gurgaon was a new experience for both learners andteachers. Nevertheless, they accustomed themselves to this ‘new normal’, andusing digital devices to attend classes became an everyday activity.
As the schools in Gurgaon - and India at large- are getting ready for the academic year 2021-2022, and the COVID vaccinationdrive is still in its earliest stage, the academic community must brace foronline classes for some more time. While permissions have been granted forsenior students following the IB DiplomaProgramme and other boards’ curriculums in Classes 10th and 12thto visit their campuses on a voluntary basis, the younger learners still needto study from home.
Here are some ways inwhich they can continue to make their online classes more valuable and result-oriented:
Build a plan to achieve pre-set goals
Students must haveshort-term and long-term goals to make the most of what they learn digitally.These can be with regards to revision of lessons taught during a day,practising a certain number of Maths problems or reading the reference bookssuggested by teachers. By writing down a schedule it becomes easier to reachthe goals that we set for ourselves. Parents can help their younger children indocumenting and reviewing the goals that help them to get more productive invirtual classes.
Claim and customise a study space
The human mind getsconditioned to associate environment and things with their daily activities. Achild may not be able to concentrate well in online classes while lying in abed which is a place to relax. She / he must have a corner that replicates theclassroom with a desk and chair. Depending on the grade in which their childstudies, parents can also tailor the environment using academic charts orposters to create an ambience that helps in focusing on lessons or makes themengaging.
Keep collaboration with classmates active
Staying within their homes,online learners must remain self-motivated. However, at times they also seeksome support from their friends. Regular interaction with classmates andcollaborative study times help students to become aware of creative ways oflearning. Study mates become friendly supervisors for each other while sharingtheir thoughts, ideas and doubts. Besides building a string social connection betweenstudents, group studies also help them to improve their communication skills.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
To be able to concentrateon their studies and keep fit, students need to maintain a healthy routine witha good balance between diet, exercise and rest. Parents must include a mix ofseasonal fruits and vegetables along with grains and milk in their daily meals.Although it is natural for them to crave for fast food, its quantity must belimited, preferably to only once a week. Learners should also spend some timeat yoga, aerobics or other exercises and if the weather permits, should go outfor a walk. They can maintain a good lifestyle by regulating time for studies,meals, physical activities and rest.
As we look forward to 2021,we hope that it will not be bleak like 2020 and students can enjoy a normalschool life like they did in pre-COVID days. At the same time, we’ve realisedthe benefits of online learning and know that it will be relevant in days tocome as the industry gets digitally transformed. It is therefore good toremember the strategies that help to get more productive in the virtual world.
Authorbio - The Gurgaonbased campus of Amity Global School enrolled its first batch of students in2008 and has been helping young scholars imbibe the virtues of education yearafter year. A tailored approach to academics, sports and extra-curricularactivities is the hallmark of the institution.