
Lead Certification Online Training Course
Everybody is looking for a lead-based paint certification training course in a nearby location. And now all the contractors can take the course from the comfort of their own home. As you may know, the EPA renovate, repair, and paint rule says that any individual who disturbs paint in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities is required to receive an EPA RRP Lead Safe Renovator Certification. To acquire this lead certification, renovators must complete an initial 8-hour lead safety course provided by an EPA approved training provider. The Initial Course Certificate is valid for 5 years. If you obtain your certificate in 2016, it means that it will expire soon. If you don’t want to complete an 8-hour lead safety course in-person, you can take a 100% online refresher course, which is only 4-hours long. It means that you no longer need to type EPA lead certification classes near me in google and look for the closest training location. You can just simply go to the EPA refresher Lead Certification Online page, register and take the course online.
How it works
Our intelligent e-learning system makes the learning process interesting and fun. It was never so easy and fast to get your lead renovator certification. The lead paint certification online course is optimized for Google Chrome, although it works in all browsers and mobile devices. You can even start, stop, and continue between devices making it easier to complete training on the go. Click the Registration button to get started. The first thing we are going to need is your email address which will be used for your user name. Then enter a password that you can easily remember. After you have entered all the necessary information, click the agreed to terms button and then click submit. Next, you will see multiple slides that will ask you for the basic information needed to complete your certification. You will then be asked to provide the state you will be working in and also when you completed your initial course. Please choose a payment method. We accept PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and most major credit cards. You may also pay in bulk over the phone. Please fill in all the necessary billing information here. You will then be brought to the payment confirmation page where you can review your order and then proceed by clicking Place Order. Once you reach the photo page, you will be able to upload your initial certificate and also a picture of yourself. First, you will upload an image of yourself or take a photo using the built-in WebCam feature. To upload a photo, you can click the browse button to browse for the image on your computer. When uploading, make sure to crop the image as appropriate. And click the Select The Crop button. If you do not have a photo handy, you may skip this step and come back to it another time. Once you’re moved to the next page, you may upload your Initial certificate the same way you did your photo. You may also skip this step and come back to it at a later time. Once you have chosen your certificate, enter your certificate number and move to the next page. After you have completed all of these steps and come to the introduction page, you have completed the registration process and will proceed to watch an introduction video that will explain how the lead paint removal certification classes work.
Take your course
Don’t wait till the last day to renew your epa lead-based paint certification. If you do so, you will be late for sure. Go check our lead certification online training course now and get the best price! You can also visit our Initial EPA certification page if you want to read more information about the Initial course. Still, have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to help you!