
You should go over the entire syllabus, divide your time accordingly, and make a list of the topics that need to be prepared first.
What are Future Opportunities Following CTET Qualification?
You should go over the entire syllabus, divide your time accordingly, and make a list of the topics that need to be prepared first.
Try to finish the exam early so you can retake the entire marked question set and revise your answers at the end.
Take CTET Online Mock Tests to improve your speed and accuracy. To take the Free CTET Mock Test, go to
- also has high-quality CTET Study Material PDF that will help you revise your syllabus.
You must shift your focus to addressing your weaknesses well in advance of the exam date.
Confidence is important because it can aid in exam preparation.
Concentrate on learning more about Child Development and Pedagogy. The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) emphasises this topic heavily, with many pedagogy-related questions based on Child Development.
Understanding the 2005 NCEF. The CTET exam will include several questions based on application-based classroom teaching, which will require candidates to know the NCF 2005.