
With its academic rigourand focus on all round development, the IB system of education is unique – itinspires students to excel in their academics and personal growth. Some of the best schools in Noida areaffiliated to the IB Board and they have the Cambridge Assessment InternationalEducation for students in the age group of 11 to 16 years.
The section for studentsin Grades 6 to 8 is called Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum while that forstudents in Grades 9 and 10 is called Cambridge IGCSE. A Cambridgeschool in Noida offeringthese programmes enables its students to respond to challenges with optimismand become open minded. The students get confident in their own identities andlearn to make ethical decisions.
Learners in the best IB School in Noida alsojoin others in observing their common humanity and become prepared to apply theirknowledge in real-world to deal with complex and unpredictable situations.
It may be the IB PrimaryYear Programme (PYP), the CambridgeAssessment International Education or the CambridgeA/AS Level program, learning in international schools has a powerful vision that:
Focuses on learners – These student focused programmesencourage healthy relationships moral responsibilities and the abilities toaddress personal challenges.
Improves the approaches to teaching and learning - The programmes enablelearners to develop the attitudes and skills that are essential for bothacademic and personal growth.
Works within global perspectives – By studying through IB programmesstudents’ knowledge of different languages and cultures gets enhanced. Theyalso learn to explore internationally relevant ideas and issues.
Imbibes significant content – The syllabus under IB programmesis broad and balanced, conceptual and connected.
The Cambridge Assessment InternationalEducationfollowed by top international schools in Noida builds upon the knowledgeand skills that learners develop in the PYP and prepares them to address the academicrequirements of the scholastic level that comes next.
While following the Cambridgeeducation system in different grades, the students of best IBschools in Noida get plenty of opportunities to grow their knowledge, develop positiveattitudes and practise skills that are necessary to manage complexities in ourworld and work responsibly towards the future.
Under the Cambridge AssessmentInternational Education students can select the subjects that match their individualinterests and aptitude. They can also study languages of other countries inaddition to their own.
At a Cambridge school thestudents also participate in different community services. They joincleanliness drives, tree plantation campaigns and recycling efforts. Some ofthe IB schools in Noida take their students on trips tocentres for the differently abled, animal shelters and old age homes. Byinteracting with people and animals at such places, they develop a morecompassionate attitude towards other lives.
The assessments are applied consistentlyin all global locations and have a rigorous criterion. Teachers structure theirassessments in ways that allow students to prove their progress as per thegoals defined by the board. Project assigned to each student is evaluated on established criteria andis not compared with the performance of other students.
Generally, the evaluation tasksinclude open-ended, problem-solving activities and investigations, organiseddebates, tests and exams, hands-on experimentation, analysis and reflection.
In a nutshell, withwell-researched curriculums and personalised teaching methods, IB educationdraws from the best practices followed by academic systems around the world andCambridge Assessment InternationalEducationstudents receive these benefits all through the five years that they spentacross this program.
Author bio - TheNoida based campus of Amity Global School was established in the 2010 and hasbeen helping young scholars imbibe the virtues of holistic education year afteryear. A disciplined approach to academics, sports and extra-curricularactivities is the hallmark of the institution.