
B.Sc in Computer Science makes students job ready to work with numerous IT and software companies as it focuses on computing methods, programming, and database. Students during the three-year programme study wide range of subjects such as operating system, number system and codes, control structures, arrays, and functions.
IIMT College of Science & Technology, [https://www.iimtindia.net/iimt-college-science-technology/] one of the best college in UP offering B.Sc.(CS) course.
IIMT College of Science & Technology, [https://www.iimtindia.net/iimt-college-science-technology/] one of the best college in UP offering B.Sc.(CS) course.
B.Scin Computer Science makes students job ready to work with numerous IT andsoftware companies as it focuses on computing methods, programming, anddatabase. Students during the three-year programme study wide range of subjectssuch as operating system, number system and codes, control structures, arrays,and functions.
IIMT College of Science & Technology,[https://www.iimtindia.net/iimt-college-science-technology/] one of the bestcollege in UP offering B.Sc.(CS) course. This college has a rich library withthe latest reading, research and reference material. Besides enriching theknowledge of teachers and students, the college has a big computer labs havinglatest and updated software’s for providing practical exposure to the students.