
The profession of teaching is a very attractive career as it demands huge respect from the society.so to become teacher, degree of B.Ed. is must. IIMT College of Science & Technology, [https://www.iimtindia.net/iimt-college-science-technology/] one of the best college in UP offering teacher education course.
The profession of teaching is a very attractivecareer as it demands huge respect from the society.so to become teacher, degreeof B.Ed. is must. This course helps one to learn the methodologies involved inthe teaching profession. It consists of the training process that will make aperson a very efficient teacher.
IIMT College of Science & Technology,[https://www.iimtindia.net/iimt-college-science-technology/] one of the bestcollege in UP offering teacher education course. This college has a richlibrary with the latest reading, research and reference material. Besidesenriching the knowledge of teachers and students, the college has apsychological laboratory