Autonomous Engineering Colleges in India - MITAOE
Autonomous Engineering Colleges in India - MITAOE
Pursue engineering at one of the best Autonomous Engineering Colleges in India. MIT Academy of Engineering offers unique combination of theoretical & practical learning.

Autonomous engineering colleges in India have genuine advantages over non-autonomous colleges, which reflects in the quality and standard of the curriculum followed. Students face a daunting task of finding the right college after school or for post-graduation, and autonomous engineering colleges in India have become an increasingly common choice.


MITAOE or MIT Academy of Engineering is one of the top engineering colleges in Maharashtra. Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra Institute of Technology(MIT) was one of the first private universities or engineering colleges to be established in the city of Pune. With four daughter universities and more than fifty thousand dedicated students, MIT group has spread its wings across multiple regions in Pune- Kothrud, Alandi, and Loni-Kalbhor. MITAOE offers both graduate and post-graduate courses in the field of Engineering.

Teaching Pedagogy

Every successful university is made so by the consistent efforts of its teachers. This is true for MITAOE as well. The teaching pedagogy employed in the college is unique and works like a charm for the students. The engineering course consists of core subjects as well as engineering science subjects. MITAOE always allows students to take up electives, in case they wish to dabble in different fields of studies. With competition becoming increasingly cut-throat, a multi-disciplinary approach is the best foot forward. The college ensures that ideas of budding entrepreneurs get ample support and encouragement. Special entrepreneurship courses exist to help students master the art of executing creative ideas. Undoubtedly, MITAOE believes in holistic development and engages in streamlined teaching pedagogy.

The curriculum is designed to test both the theoretical and practical skills of the students. MITAOE follows Outcome Based Education or OEB and a Choice Based Credit System or CBCS. The system allows students to gain credits flexibly, giving them ample opportunity to gain expertise in their choice of skill.

Extra-Curricular Activities

College life is more than just grueling academics. It's that part of your life which gives you the chance to improve all your skills, whether or not they are related to academics. Students should broaden their horizons in multiple disciplines and art forms; no idea or form of creativity should ever be nipped in the bud. As one of the best autonomous engineering colleges in India, MITAOE provides a plethora of student clubs to choose from, each dedicated to a different skill-set or art form.

You'll find a club on yoga and meditation, dance and singing clubs, robotics club, art club, literary club, and so much more. There's even a coding club that strictly caters to female coders!

The best part about MITAOE is the immense exposure students get by participating and hosting inter-collegiate and intercollegiate fests or competitions.

Placement recruitments

Placements are the most important aspect of any engineering college as they shape the career of the student. Students are sponsored for various internship programs and projects in several industries. MITAOE has strong ties to major brand names and industrial sectors, which results in successful placements every year. Recruiters include big names such as Mahindra, Cognizant, ADP, Infosys, IBM, SpiceJet, ITC Infotech, Oil India Limited, Amazon, JP Morgan, and so much more.