Agence spéciaisée en SEO – référencement naturel
Agence spéciaisée en SEO – référencement naturel
Toutes les personnes est conscient du avantages de commerce électronique- nous fournir les meilleur SEO, Emballage création, La communication, Conception, création, injection, production 3d la modélisation et packshot Photos, Logo conception, etc. service dans Belgique, contact nous- +32477696337

Agence spéciaisée en SEO – référencement naturel


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Thinkbefore acting. The adage is well known ... Defining your strategy well beforetaking action is a fundamental principle at Flow Studio. Our team ismultidisciplinary ; it is organized around an experienced designer, atypographer and a champion of marketing strategy and is complemented byexternal specialists carefully selected according to the field and the project.

We arelively and agile . We design exactly what you have in mind without ever losingsight of your audience, thanks to a pragmatic approach. To do this, we preparea roadmap for your brand, and we take a fresh look at your products, to helpyou develop them better. Since good design is more than good packaging, yourstrategy should not be limited to a long list of utopian guidelines.

Together,we get to the bottom of things: we go back to the origin of your product, wetrace its history, we find out who exactly your customers are and what triggerstheir passions.

Together,we are building ways to connect you with your customers, through all possiblechannels.



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Branding -Branding




Yourbrand's logo is the cornerstone of your visual identity. We provide you with avariety of formats and colors, to ensure that your emblem can be used on anytype of medium: online, printed or as an object in itself. We bring your logoto life and give it the flexibility it needs to meet your exact needs.



No logowithout proper typography. Like all couples, this tandem must work in perfectharmony. We choose the right font based on the overall image, but also theconstraints of electronic and traditional media.



Agence spéciaisée en SEO – référencement naturel.jpg

We preparea graphic charter for you to guarantee the optimal use of your logo in allcircumstances. This charter defines the fonts, chromatic variations, symbolsand other elements that make up your visual identity. It is a kind of code ofconduct, which sets out the rules to be observed in any visual communication,internal or external. The graphic charter brings together all the visualelements of your brand and helps your company to systematically give aconsistent image of itself, constant in time and space.

Anindispensable legal element, the annual report is more than a set of figuresand resolutions: it is also an element of communication. An extension of yourbrand and your identity, it must therefore be perfectly tailored to make it areadable, professional, credible, authentic, unique document that perfectlymatches your image.

Thispremium design takes place in several stages, none of which should beoverlooked.

1 Listen tothe customer to understand his needs and desires

Everycustomer has desires, expressed, and needs, sometimes unknown. All listeningaims to verify that the desire and need are in adequacy, by asking questions,proposing solutions, evoking avenues.

Ourobjective at this stage is to fully understand the activity and the necessitiesin terms of communication: if an annual report always retains a formalism, itnevertheless conveys a message, to shareholders, to institutions, to the media,to partners.

This iswhat we will determine together: innovation? modernity? youth? innovation?international dimension ? Ethical values ​​or CSR?

All of ourthinking will focus on how to express the purpose through the form andpresentation of the document.

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2 Performthe search

Secondly,we will work on all the documentation gathered from the client: documents usedinternally, desired style, preliminary content, promotional brochure presentingthe brand, communication supports, reports from previous years ...

Thesesamples help us to brainstorm on the graphic charter, to create a moodboard. Asa creator, it is a collective stage in which I strongly believe: because goodideas often arise from average ideas, by dint of exchanges and exploration ofavenues. The good idea always seems obvious ... after you find it!

As soon asthis brainstorming is sufficiently advanced, we discuss with the client to havehis feedback and refine the project.

3 Atailor-made work

Thisbrainstorming leads to extremely precise and meticulous selection work, whereeverything is thought out, analyzed and verified, for a result that is bothcoherent and artistic. Before starting the creation, the main guidelines aredefined, to define the angle with which each of the concepts will beapproached: the idea is then to decline each one as much as possible, to gotowards a maximum of diversity and original creations.

An elementapparently as simple as typography has been developed for a long time: we workwith a specialist in this field with more than 25 experience.

Similarwork is carried out on the graphics, within the framework of a relevant graphiccharter: they must be precise, clear, pleasant to see and analyze. They arecreated entirely for the customer, a far cry from the soulless copy and pasteof Excel files.

In the samespirit, real research is being done on iconography, by banning low cost imagebanks. We create photos and visuals if necessary. Why ? Because an annualreport must give off a feeling of authenticity, of truth. Using images that arenot those of your real activity nourishes the reader with an unconsciousimpression of concealment, of lies, of lack of originality: it is exactly theopposite of what you want to convey as a subject and therefore totally counterproductive.

You want toconvey a professional image, standing out from the competition with real addedvalue: your activity report must do exactly the same.

Asprofessionals of the object and of the image, we treat it like a book: we readit entirely, with the will to understand it, never to dissociate the form fromthe background.

Thisdocument must be clear and pleasant to read, it must give off an impression ofvalue and therefore added value, it must be attractive to see while being easyto navigate.

4 Develop amodel


This is whywe spend a lot of time on the model, before having it validated. This essentialstep turns out to be decisive to facilitate reading, layout, without ever beingboring.

We say thata good book must be a page turner, to make you want to go all the way: we applythis same philosophy to the rhythm of the layout, even if it means regularlymoving blocks to choose the most effective solution.

It is anextremely dynamic process, similar to that of journalists or magazine editors.We test different ideas, to retain only the most relevant.

Once themockup is complete, the basic briefing is reviewed to ensure that all of theclient's requirements are present and fully met. Each model is then presentedin a template which clearly identifies the main ideas, the proposed structure,the graphic grid as well as the recurring elements (fonts, colors, etc.). Ameeting (real or virtual) is organized for the presentation of these models: welisten to the customer again, listening to these feedbacks.

Thisexchange also allows us to see what he particularly likes, to possibly reflecton additional ideas.

5 Carry outthe initial assembly

We make thereadjustments to arrive at a final model, approved by the customer. Thisselected model is reconstructed by our graphic designer, whose objective is tooptimize the use of styles, template and GREP during assembly. Before the firstdelivery to the client, a careful proofreading is performed by at least twopeople, to ensure that all the content is present, without errors, faithful tothe approved layout.

6 Customercorrections

We areawaiting feedback from the customer, to make the requested corrections. The newdocument is then carefully reread, with several looks, to avoid any typos.

An exchangewith the customer is again carried out.



7Preparation for editing

The finaladjustments are made and the final document for the printer is prepared, as apdf or source file.

Themanagement of typography, colors, bleeds and other technical requirements isperformed and validated before delivery. The printing work can then begin, toprovide a professional, original and pleasant to read annual report that isboth an information document and a promotional element.

The imageof your company is respected and valued.


Everyone isaware of the advantages of e-commerce: it is more practical, faster, moreeconomical.

However,there is a handicap to be overcome: the customer cannot “really” see hisproduct. There is indeed a filter: it is the photo of the product on thee-commerce site. Because this site is neither more nor less than the equivalentof a showcase: it is through these photos that the act of purchase is decidedor not.

This showsthe importance of this photograph and the product packshot: it must inspiredesire, to boost sales and increase the conversion rate.

It is bothtechnical and artistic work.


·        BrandActivation and Storytelling

Involveyour customers by taking them on a fabulous journey through all possiblechannels to give them a personal experience, adapted, unique and different fromothers. Make sure your team or sales rep conveys a story that matches yourcustomers' needs or wants.

Developideas to personalize and differentiate the customer experience. Make yourbusiness an agile company able to adapt, innovate and thrive even in times ofdifficulty



·        3D computergraphics studio for professionals

Our 3Dstudio is specialized in the creation of 3D images, intended for any companywith photos, videos or interactive needs. It is an added value to communicateor market products or services.


Thisspecialized 3D creation is used for the production of visual supports forsales, e-commerce, industry, education, events, the design of interactivetools, the creation of plastic injection molds. …

All our 3Dcreations are tailor-made and with 3D images suitable for all media: papercommunication, event or conference stands, web media or touch tablets.


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42 rue deBruxelles

1300 Wavre


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