
Acemyhomework Writers |Is India a soft nation? | Acemyhomework Writers
India is known for its amicable relations with foreign countries and warm hospitality delivered to guests but recently there has been an increasing furore over the notion that whether a secular ,tolerant and peace loving country like India is really supposed to be a soft nation or it just pretends to be fragile. Following are some of the noteworthy points which effectively points out about the soft nature of our beloved nation. People of all faiths,religions co exist peacefully with equal rights and freedom. Underprivileged sections of the society get ample subsidies and privileges with regard to health,education,food etc. Even terrorists and mass murderers are given second chances to reform themselves. India has a tendency to shy away from extremism and controversy and to sort out all the problems with mutual harmony. Softness is adopted in order to avoid wars which actually leads to exhausted national treasures and economy. Although this “softness” is often considered to be lack of decisive powers of the authorities but in reality ,our nation believes in calmness and non violence to ensure steady growth and increased prosperity. It is undoubtedly a good practice to maintain peace and harmony and to ease out the disputes peacefully but it should not adopt this tolerant attitude towards each and every issue. Some crimes are meant to be dealt harshly and resorting to mutual agreement in those cases is perceived to be sheer weekness of the state.
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