
Acemyhomework Writers|A Hollow of Hatred And Resentment (WSJ Online) | Acemyhomework Writers
Disputes between India and Pakistan date back to the early days of Independence, and have been multiplying ever since. Peace between the two countries has been repeatedly shattered over issues of religion, land and culture. Many innocent people have lost their lives because of the continuing hatred that exists between these two nations. Somewhere along the line, the citizens of these countries have become used to this mutual hostility and violence. It’s no more a sad occurrence but is now accepted as a well known truth. “Pakistan and India will always be in conflict.” These warped notions have been passed down from generations, poisoning the youth into believing that they are actually true and unchangeable. The rift between the two neighbouring nations is continuously widening, leaving a hollow of hatred and resentment in between. The time has come for a change, and Mr. Singh is proposing just that. President Zardari agreed with Mr. Singh but also stated that he needed “some more time” to take steps to remove all terror camps from Pakistan’s soil. So the real question here is not can India and Pakistan settle their outstanding disputes, it is how they can settle them. This war has been going on for too long, and must now come to an end. India and Pakistan have to exist peacefully for the sanctity and safety of all their citizens. It is now up to the nations to make a change. These conflicts have to end, but only time will show whether in guns or roses.
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