
Most online training creators feel that leaderboards are infallible, that employees will rush at the chance to compete against their colleagues and, as a result, reach their full potential. Incorporating this game concept into your gamification course, on the other hand, necessitates a meticulous design and audience research. Fair and equitable competition is required. Personalization is required in the design. And everyone must be aware of the participation guidelines. These eight classic gamification mistakes and leaderboard blunders can impair engagement and reduce ROI. But don't worry; we will give you some pointers on how to bring your employees back into the game.
8 common gamification mistakes and how to address them
Assuming that everyone enjoys being the center of attention
Some employees are terrified of competing against their coworkers. It's possible that they're introverts. Alternatively, they may simply choose to go it alone rather than compete with coworkers. You shouldn't assume that every employee enjoys being the center of attention or receiving public acclaim for their accomplishments. Others rely on self-praise, while others prefer other pats on the back.
Allow everyone to choose whether to use leaderboards or to create distinct boards for each department or level of employment. Because the competition is more contained, the experience becomes more personal and inclusive. Staff employees aren't at odds with the rest of the company.
From a friendly to a ruthless competition
Because they are fearful of 'friendly fire,' many staff avoid leaderboards. When the competition becomes too intense, it spills over into the workplace. This makes everyone uneasy, even those who enjoy the prospect of demonstrating their abilities. By cultivating a strong sense of community, you can keep the online training leaderboard civil.
Employees should understand that the board is meant to motivate them, not to cause strife on the job. Include social and collaborative learning options in the gamification course to encourage collaboration. For example, instead of breaking down their self-confidence, they can join social media groups where they can share helpful suggestions with their peers.
Not enriching the experience with badges, points, and levels
The most common gamification mistakes is failing to consider tie-in mechanics. Boards aren't the only way to get employees involved and track their success. You can add badges, points, and levels to enhance the experience and cater to a wide range of tastes.
Some employees may like to earn badges on their own time and display them on social media. Alternatively, earn enough points to win the top reward of VIP access to the microlearning support library. Leaderboards can also be directly linked to other mechanics. Employees who earn the most points, for example, rise to the top or are included on the "daily top performer" board.
Criteria and objectives for evaluation aren't clearly defined
Employees must meet certain engagement guidelines in order to participate in the online training leaderboard. However, a lack of openness is a major source of dissatisfaction. How do they progress through the ranks? How does the board relate to the aims and goals of online training? What systems of evaluation are in place to assess their performance and abilities?
Ascertain that employees understand why a leaderboard exists and what they must do to climb to the top. This also solves the problem of competition that I stated earlier. Because everyone is aware of the evaluation standards, there is no doubt as to why the #1 employees have ascended to the top. They can get the same level of notoriety if they work harder and own their flaws.
Performance on the board is not linked to real-world performance
The gamification leaderboard can also be used to diagnose problems. Employees can track their progress and find areas where they can improve based on their current position. But only if the leaderboard is linked to actual results. To begin, figure out the behaviors you want to reinforce with the board and how they relate to your training goals. Then match your evaluation criteria to actual results.
Employees, for example, can advance on the board if they enhance their soft skills or complete another certification course. These achievements are linked to their productivity on the work. Completing a module or activity should not automatically result in a higher rating. Otherwise, the board will lose its credibility, and employees will no longer see the value in participating. Because board performance has no correlation with real-world success, the staffer at the top didn't truly deserve it.
Using templates for generic leaderboards
To save time and easily adjust the style of your leaderboard, you should use a template. One of the most egregious leaderboard blunders is failing to tailor it to the preferences and interests of employees. It must also be relevant to the topic. A compliance online training leaderboard, for example, should have a more serious tone that does not minimize the core issues. Of course, because there aren't many "moving parts," leaderboard design is limited.
To provide a basic picture of employee status, everything must be contained on a single screen. To improve the visual appeal, you can change the typeface, color scheme, and graphics. Links to personnel profiles and resource recommendations can also be embedded. As a result, trainees will know where to go for training activities that will help them improve their careers and close gaps.
The wrong metric is being measured
It's difficult to use revenue alone as a KPI in a leaderboard. Varied items or geographies have different sales capacities, and comparing dollars might be disappointing for newcomers. Furthermore, sales gamification is about driving the actions that lead to sales, not about driving sales. Designing gamification mechanisms that drive actions that will generate sales possibilities in the short and long term is the smarter and more efficient option.
Making more calls, refining the certification process, or assessing customer satisfaction levels are all examples of these actions. You're missing the purpose if you merely keep track of real sales figures. You may not only be promoting undesirable behaviors in your workplace, but you may also be creating an unequal playing field. Experienced personnel with larger clients or superior geographies benefit from leaderboards that solely track sales.
In teams, there is no "I"
We all enjoy the story of the lone superstar outperforming everyone else and saving the day. This is almost never the case in reality. Michael Jordan didn't start winning championships until he began passing the ball, and John Lennon and Paul McCartney's music was significantly improved when they collaborated. This is especially true in the realm of sales, where the business development and account management teams must collaborate for the company to succeed. This is something that leaderboards should represent. Measuring teams rather than individuals is a wonderful strategy to encourage collaboration and promote the organization's objectives.
Wrapping it up
Employees should not be pushed too far outside of their comfort zones by an online training scoreboard, nor should it generate a hostile work environment. The purpose is to make information sharing easier and to keep track of their progress. Not to start a full-fledged fight that will cost you top talent and jeopardize your brand's reputation. Allow employees to opt-out and include other mechanics to improve the overall experience. You should also define criteria so that employees understand what is expected of them and how to follow the regulations.
You don't have to create your own leaderboards from scratch in-house. An e learning content supplier such as PlayAblo can assist you in creating competition-inspiring boards and tracking employee development.