
The first step to success is choosing the right study material for CAT preparation. MBA candidates often have confusion about which books to read while studying for the exam. However, to pass the CAT 2021 exam you must not only select the right books, but also learn how to read them. We have listed the books that can be used according to the subject.
Quantitative Aptitude Books for CAT
1. Preparing for Quantitative Aptitude in CAT -- Arun Sharma
Arun Sharma's book is a favorite among students who are preparing for the CAT. Students will find the topics easy to understand. Each topic is also divided into multiple difficulty levels. This book is useful for CAT as well as other competitive management exams such NMAT, XAT and IIFT.
Quantum CAT -- Sarvesh Verma
The Quantum CAT is a comprehensive book written by Sarvesh verma that covers all aspects of QA. Even those with no mathematical background, CAT applicants can still learn and grasp the concepts. To help students understand the concepts, the author created custom content.
Nishit K Sinha, Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT
The Quantitative Aptitude Book by Nishit Sinha, especially designed for the CAT exam is one of the most popular books among students. It covers all essential topics, from the basic to the advanced. This book, written by an IIM Lucknow alumnus, is great for scoring high marks in quantitative aptitude.
Abhijit Guha, Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams
The Quantitative Aptitude book of Abhijit Guha was designed for multiple competitive exams. This book is recommended by online coaching institutions for the CAT exam.
Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability books for CAT
Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Unitedpadhyay: How to Prepare for Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability for the CAT
This book by Meenakshi Upadhyay and Arun Sharma is a great resource for improving reading and verbal comprehension skills. This book covers all important topics and includes enough practice papers and mock questions to help you test your preparation.
Nishit Sinha, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for The CAT
This book is a fantastic resource for reading comprehension and verbal ability in the CAT exam. This book, published by Pearson, includes mock tests and important techniques to quickly solve problems. It also covers all important topics.
Norman Lewis - Word Power Made Simple - Norman Lewis
Word Power Made Easy is a great book for improving vocabulary in preparation for the CAT exam. You should spend time with it every day to improve your preparation. This book's purpose is to improve your vocabulary, which in turn will help you improve verbal abilities.
Grammar and composition for High School Grammar -- Wren and Martin
This book is an excellent resource for English Grammar and Verbal Ability, in competitive exams. Wren and Martin's High School Grammar & Composition book is highly recommended by CAT toppers.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning books for CAT
1. How To Prepare for Logical Reasoning For CAT Book by Arun Sharma
Arun Sharma once again did a fantastic job in covering all important topics and chapters of logical reasoning. The How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning in CAT book has many examples and solutions for problems of various difficulty levels.
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation in the CAT by Nishit Singhha
Nishit Sinha's book on CAT logical reasoning covers topics from elementary to advanced levels under several chapters. There are many topics covered with solutions, examples, exercises and other useful information. This book is a handy reference for the CAT exam.
Wrapping up:
It is clear that Arun Sharma, Nishit Sinha and Nishit Sinha are the two top providers of CAT preparation books. You can also find many other books on the market, but we recommend the ones mentioned above.