
1. How Long Will You be Insured?
2. What is the Premium Rate and Term?
3. Is There a Substitute Policy?
4. What are the Additional Co-Insurance Rates?
5. What are the Exclusions?
The Top 5 Questions To Ask Before Buying Contractor Life Insurance
One of the biggest decisions you will make in life is whether or not to buy contractor life insurance. It's a big decision, and one that should be made with care. Here are some of the most important things you need to know before buying contractor life insurance.
1) Who pays if I die?
If you're an employee, your employer will likely be the one who pays. This is particularly true for health insurance, since it's usually required by law, but also for accident insurance, since employers often have programs set up for employees in case of an accident on the job. If you're self-employed, it could be different—you might have a business owner's policy and pay out of pocket if someone dies on their property or while serving them food at their restaurant.
2) What kind of coverage do I get?
It all depends on your situation and needs! If you're self-employed and own your own business, then this is going to come down to what kind of coverage (if any) your business provides for its employees; if it doesn't provide any coverage at all, then this is not going to be