
BlockchainAppsDeveloper is the prime Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Development Company in the World. Day by Day increased our market value and our services are more useful to the startups and enterprises for secured cryptocurrency transactions.
We offers ready-made Whitelabel cryptocurrency Exchange Software Solutions with attractive features and fulfill entrepreneurs business needs.
1. Spot Trading Software
2. Leveraged Trading Software
3. OTC Software
4. Contract Transaction Software
5. Liquidity Software
6. ETF Trading Software
We provide a wonderful Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Software which is below.
Binance Clone Script
Localbitcoins Clone Script
Wazirx Clone Script
Binance Clone Script:
Binance Clone Script is a pre-made Cyptocurrency Exchange Clone Script to create the p2p cryptocurrency exchange platfrom. We provide a world’s popular crypto trading platform.
Our Binance clone script is customised, secured and high quality coding developed by beta and alpha tests that helps to business peoples create a Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform similar to Binance. We provide advanced features and services fit to the current crypto market.
Our Binance Clone Script’s stunning features:
Two factors authentication
Live Trade
User friendly
Multi language and payment support and etc..
LocalBitcoins Clone Script:
We provide LocalBitcoins Clone Script service with high standard features. This script helps to build your own whitelabel p2p cryptocurrency exchange platform with multiple factors.
Localbitcoins Clone Software Service features:
Advanced UI/UX
Escrow powered trading
LocalBitcoins app for Android, IOS, web
Multi-currency support
KYC/AML verification
Unlimited cryptocurrency pairs
Quick transaction
Wazirx Clone Script:
We offers the 100% secured and advanced features of whitelable Wazir Clone Script services to the startups. This cryptocurrency exchange software service helps to the entrepreneur to increase their trade and it features and functionalities like Wazirx.
Our multiple features in Wazirx Clone Script:
Multiple Crypto Wallet Integration
Payment Gateway Integration
IEO Launchpad
Multi-sig wallet
P2P crypto trading
BlockchainAppsDeveloper deliver the p2p whitelable Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Developement Services to the entrepreneurs to build their own cryptocurrency exchange platfrom. We provide stunning features and functionalities to the seller and buyer for their crypto exchange transactions.
Connect with our Experts:
Telegram : BlockN_Bitz
Skype: Block 'N Bitz
Phone/ Whats app: +91 94896 06634