
Which Is Good AAC Blocks Or Concrete Blocks?

Which Is Good AAC Blocks Or Concrete Blocks?
Concrete is one of the most commonly utilized construction materials on the planet. Cement paste and inert elements are the two basic components of concrete blocks. Portland cement, water, and some air make up the cement paste. Fine aggregates such as sand and coarse aggregates such as gravel, crushed stone, or slag are commonly used as inert materials.
One of the most significant innovations in the world of construction in the twentieth century was the autoclaved aerated concrete block. It's a game-changing construction material that combines high durability and strength with minimal weight and outstanding environmental green properties.
Both AAC Blocks and Solid Concrete Blocks are important building materials for walls. Based on their features, availability, and cost, AAC blocks and solid concrete blocks are used in walls. As a result, we've compiled a concise comparison of concrete vs. AAC blocks to help you make the right option:-
Solid Concrete Block
• Solid concrete blocks are one of the various types of precast concrete materials used in buildings.
• For both load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, solid concrete blocks are employed.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
• AAC Blocks are a lightweight construction material that may be cut into masonry blocks or made into bigger planks and panels.
• When compared to other wall unit materials, AAC Blocks are very uniform and do not contain a coarse aggregate phase.
Solid Concrete Block
• Portland cement, water, sand, and gravel are used to make solid concrete blocks.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
• A mixture of fly ash, cement, lime, gypsum, and an aeration agent is used to make it.
• The fly ash utilized in the creation of AAC Blocks is environmentally beneficial
• The use of fly ash in AAC blocks solves the problem of fly ash disposal, which was formerly a serious issue.
Solid Concrete Block
•Solid concrete blocks are used to build load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls.
• It can also be used to build retaining walls, garden walls, chimneys, and fireplaces, and as a lintel.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
• AAC Blocks can be used to construct both internal and external walls. It can be used for load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls alike.
Solid Concrete Block
• The solid concrete block structure is adaptable and simple to construct.
• For the foundation and basement walls, solid concrete blocks are excellent.
• Insulation against cold and hot weather is provided by solid concrete blocks.
• Solid concrete block walls are long-lasting, resilient, and low-maintenance.
• Solid concrete blocks are highly resistant to adverse weather conditions such as storms.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
• Earthquake forces are equal to the weight of the building, reducing the dead load on buildings and, as a result, requiring less steel in RCC constructions.
• The reduction in deadweight saves steel and concrete.
• AAC blocks are very easy to handle and cut with common equipment, resulting in an increase in floor space due to the reduction in column size and wall thickness.
• Because AAC blocks come in huge sizes, there are fewer joints. As a result, work on the job site is completed faster and with less cement use.
• Because AAC blocks are constructed of inorganic materials, they are resistant to termites, damage, and loss.
• On the upper floors, it's simple to carry.
• Construction time savings
• AAC blocks have a very low thermal conductivity, which keeps the interior cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
• AAC blocks limit interior temperature variance, keeping a comfortable and healthy temperature for occupants.
• For intended safety, AAC blocks are suited for fire rating applications.
• There is little waste with AAC blocks.
• It is environmentally friendly and saves water. As a result, it is widely employed as a green product.
• Although the manufacturing cost of AAC Blocks is high, the whole project cost is lower.
Solid Concrete Block
• Solid concrete block construction can be more expensive than standard framed construction.
• Solid concrete blocks are heavier than AAC blocks.
• Concrete has a significant structural cost due to its substantial weight.
• Arrangements for concealed wiring, plumbing, and conduit are difficult to make.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
• AAC Block has a higher per-unit production cost.
• It requires special attention during the manufacturing process, as the surface is not extremely smooth.
Read more: aac block manufacturing process - cement bricks in Karnataka