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Assignment3: Practical report (100% Solved)


In this report you will be expected to interpret andgraphically present data that was collected in the field by previous MScstudents, and to comment on the scope for improving the study design andinformation collected based on your examination of the data. The report isworth 45% of the module grade. There will be three datasets available and youwill focus on ONE of these. These are detailed in Session 6. A sign-up sheetwill be released on 20th April with a maximum of 12 places available for eachdataset. The three datasets relate to:


Changes in forest understory vegetation in relation tohabitat for Capercaillie

Changes in tree-based lichens as indicators of forestfragmentation

Elevational changes in montane vegetation over an exposuregradient


This is an individual assignment. However, to assist inpreparing your practical reports we will hold a Q&A session on 5 May at whichyou will be invited to present ideas about how to interpret the data and getfeedback on these. The points listed separately in the information about eachdataset are hints about things that should be considered as part of youranalyses and should feature in the presentation of your results or discussion.Please read them carefully but these are merely for guidance – please use acontinuous format rather than providing separate answers to each questionindividually.


The report must be presented as a series of headings asfollows. The numbers in brackets indicate the weight given to each section.Report length is 2000 words. This excludes references and text within figures(e.g. legends and axis labels) but includes all other text (including table andfigure captions).


Introduction (10% of mark) – Please provide a briefintroductory paragraph citing a few examples of literature that is relevant tothe investigation.


Methods (5%) – Summarise succinctly how the data wascollected. Do not simply repeat what was written in the supporting informationgiven to you.


Results (45%) –You can use 5 figures (i.e. graphs of anytype) and 1 table. A figure may include several smaller graphs nested togetherprovided they are closely related to each other. Figures must be accompanied bysome supporting narrative that highlights to the reader what they are expectedto take away from the figure. Please refer to the example for what a suitablyorganised and formatted results section should look like.


Discussion (25%) – discuss the patterns that you haveobserved within the context of the data that was collected relative to what hasbeen observed and reported previously in the literature. Do not simply repeatthe description of the results. You should focus on methodological aspects,limitations and scope for improving the sampling protocol or efficiency of theexercise.


Conclusion (10%) – in a maximum of 4 bullet-points what arethe take home messages and methodological implications arising from theanalysis of your data


References (5%) – 5-10 correctly formatted referencesrelevant to the topic or associated methodology that you have cited directly inyour report.


Note: all graphs must be suitably labelled and MUSTillustrate levels of variation in the data. Be judicious about your choice ofgraphs in terms of style and numbers of graphs. A detailed statisticaltreatment of the data is not required but you are expected, for example, toinclude trend lines with r2 values on scatter plots and to show averaged datawith error bars where appropriate and to comment on the meaning of these. Theprimary requirement is a critical interpretation of the data collected and ademonstration of the implications for refining survey protocols.


When submitting your work can I please draw your attentionto the rules and penalties around plagiarism and academic work set out in thevideo below, just in case you are unclear about anything