Key Points To Remember When Going For Divorce Lawyers In Delhi
Key Points To Remember When Going For Divorce Lawyers In Delhi
A mutual agreement divorce is the most straightforward approach to end a poor marriage. A few topics, such as alimony, security, and child custody, must be decided by both parties.

Divorce by common agreement is a straightforward method of ending a marriage. Mutual consent divorce refers to a pleasant divorce in which both parties have agreed to divorce. It simplifies the entire procedure. When either the husband or the wife refuses to consent, the divorce cannot be issued by mutual consent. We will discuss mutual divorce, the requirements for mutual divorce, and the procedures for obtaining a mutual divorce in Delhi in this article.


Divorce is the legal term for the legal dissolution of a marriage. It entails a long and drawn-out legal process. India is a diverse country in terms of religion and culture, and each religion has its own set of laws and divorces. India is a diverse country in terms of religion and culture, and each religion has its own set of laws and divorce procedures.

The Hindu Succession Act of 1955 applies to all Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains. The Muslims Marriage Act of 1939 allows Muslim couples to get a consensual divorce. If the couple comes from different communities, they are governed by the Muslim Marriages Act of 1956.

Important Criteria For Divorce By Mutual Consent

There are a few factors that must be met to file a mutual divorce in Delhi:

For at least a year, the husband and wife should live apart.

They are unable to live together, and they have mutually agreed to end their marriage.

Mutual Divorce Has Its Benefits

A mutual divorce request saves both parties time, money, and energy. This keeps the parties from engaging in a pointless fight during the divorce process.

Divorce By Mutual Consent In Delhi

Both parties to a marriage can make a petition to the District Court for the dissolution of their marriage by a decree on the premise that they have been getting a divorce for a year or more and now have mutually agreed to dissolve their marriage.


If both couples want to be divorced by mutual consent, they can file a petition in a Delhi court system or district court and consult with Divorce lawyer delhi. When a couple opts for a common consent divorce, it signifies that both the married couple prefer a peaceful separation over a court-ordered divorce.


A mutual agreement divorce is the most straightforward approach to end a poor marriage. A few topics, such as alimony, security, and child custody, must be decided by both parties.

Steps For Mutual Divorce Petition

Step 1: File a petition

To begin, both the husband and wife file a request for a mutual split at any location agreed upon by the parties. Both parties are required to sign this petition.

Step 2: Approval Of The First Motion

The respondents submit their responses next to the Judge once the petition is filed. Both parties must state that they must have mutually agreed to divorce. They must give the reason for the divorce as well as the numerous stipulations that were mutually agreed upon. The first motion is thereafter granted by the Court. The petition must be signed by both parties and submitted to the judge.

Step 3: Allow for a cooling-off period

The courts will usually offer you this time to reconsider your decision to divorce. The divorce is generally granted after 6 to 8 months of waiting for the second motion to be filed. A couple must wait at least 6 months before filing a second motion with the courts. If one of the parties declares that the other is refusing to reconcile, the petition for equitable divorce may be denied.

Step 4: Second Motion 

In 6-18 months, a couple must file a second application, when the Justice will dissolve the marital.


Obtaining a fair divorce is both complicated and simple, and it necessitates a great deal of effort. The general public is unaware of the procedural procedures and needs specialist assistance. As a result, specialist guidance is essential before filing a divorce case jointly.