
Kubota Corporation is a tractor and heavy equipment manufacturer based in Japan. Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Pvt Ltd is the Indian subsidiary of Kubota Corporation, Japan.Kubota started its operations in India in December 2008.
Kubota Corporation is a tractor and heavy equipment manufacturerbased in Japan. Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Pvt Ltd is the Indiansubsidiary of Kubota Corporation, Japan.Kubota started its operations in Indiain December 2008.
Kubota tractors offer tractors from 21 to 55 HP with alightweight design and efficient engine and affordable price. Kubota Indiabelieves in building and nurturing long term relations with farmers. Kubotatractors are expanding its network across all states in India.
Kubota Tractors series presents a winning combination of styleand performance, which provides great user experience to the farmers.
Kubota Tractors also provides other Farm Tractors between4,00,000 to 9,00,000.