
Pawana lake camping

Feel like you had been stressed out, well you're just one spot down from a hot spot destination to drain out all your stresses and worries. What are you staying for? Make your bus spin and your legs walk to a veritably engaging & spell- bounding destination. Yeah!! Its “ Mypawanacamp “. The reason you need to step your bases into the comforting beach of Pawana camp is that the serenity furnishing an inflow of lake water, and the melodious sound produced by the chilly breath. No doubt you gonna witness nature’s symphony and not to forget the eye- catching comely kissing of the mountains. This place is really hit the spot with the disquisition of the literal castles. A lot of history & the triumph of great soldiers are associated with castles following.
Tung Fort, Tikona Fort, Lohgad Fort, Visapur Fort.