The pandemic, but even before that the introduction of the world wide web has come with many challenges as well as opportunities for a globalized world, many have taken advantage of these opportunities and felt it’s effects; from top executives to your everyday ma pop store to your average housewife looking for alternative means of income to the unemployed and many dream chasers even now more so with the pandemic.
There are many stories, but one so technical it alludes to how methodical the underground world of fraudsters are. The personal email of Nathan Curtis, a Top C Level Executive and one of the most powerful advisors to g7 countries on securities, tariffs, embargoes, trade and more, was hacked a few years back by his personal email, the individuals seek to create a website and changed his countries national passport image in order to engage in fundraising. Since then, also creating false post on the internet on platforms of social media platforms LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others trying to gain sympathy from the masses through fraud.
Curtis has reported the issue to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. One story of many individuals who have been victims of identity theft. The good part in Curtis’s case is that no banking information is linked to his personal email. A respected author of seven books. Curtis still maintains his position as one of the top guns in his field to call when all else fails; a modern day “Olivia Pope” . With this now behind him, he still remains an advocate for inclusive globalization every chance he gets to lecture or speak publicly.