
Top cool Blockchain Project ideas for Beginners
Many people think of Blockchain as the technology that powers Bitcoin, however, it is much broader than that. In a nutshell, it is a distributed database that keeps the records of all the transactions that have been executed and shared between the participating parties. Blockchain Development company Here in this article we will discuss some of the most interesting project ideas that can be implemented on Blockchain. But before that, let us first understand what is special about Blockchain and how it revolutionizes the way we interact with data:
Top Interesting-Blockchain-Project-Ideas-For-Beginners
1. The way it tracks and stores data in the form of blocks.
It stores information in the form of blocks that are linked together to form a continuous string of blocks. If you make changes to any block, it doesn't rewrite it, but the change is stored inside a new block.
2. Decentralized and distributed system creates trust in data.
Before adding any blocks to the string, you need to do a few things, which are:
A cryptographic puzzle must be solved.
The solution called proof of work is shared with all computers on the network.
The network verifies the proof of work.
This leads to building trust.
3. We can interact with the data directly in real time without the need for intermediaries.
Blockchain is a type of technology that with the above characteristics gives us reliability, trust and security in data storage and accessibility.
Now that we have understood Blockchain and its benefits, we will see what can be the different project ideas that need data security and can be implemented with the help of Blockchain.
Projects that can be implemented based on Blockchain:
- Voting string
electronic voting system based on Blockchain Technology is growing tremendously, yet we still have to go to the voting booths to cast our vote. So can we make use of recent technologies to cast our vote safely and from the comfort of our homes? The answer is yes.
In this system, the ID verifier certifies a personalized and unique ID for a user to vote.
After being authorized by the verifier and registrar, the UI voting booth generates a ballot for the voter to cast their vote.
2. Blockchain-based patient data management system
In the healthcare system, there is a huge amount of patient data that is stored and this data needs to be secure and private. Much research can also be done to improve the health system and discover faster and easier methods of detecting and treating diseases. So we can implement a system using Blockchain in which the data will be safe and an investigation will be done as well. Let's see how this system works:
In this system, the user shares their health data and it is stored as a smart contract on the Blockchain. It gives permission for data accessibility only under certain permissions and thus maintains data security.
If the researchers want to access any data, they would need the data accessibility permission and then only research can be done, thus preserving the privacy of patient data.
3. Blockchain-based land registry system
We have seen around us many cases where someone claims someone else's land, transaction fraud occurs, documents are lost and many more similar problems. Blockchain will help us to solve all these problems and it will also keep the records of the transactions which leads to fast and secure data recovery. So, the blockchain-based system that solves all the problems on earth will work as follows:
The citizen initiates an application
After processing it, in the traditional system, the data is stored in the centralized system. In the case of Blockchain, it will be stored in the decentralized system and thus would reduce data manipulation and ensure greater immutability.
In the traditional system, a paper certificate is issued after purchase which carries the risk of loss, damage or forgery. It can be replaced by electronic certificates where the data remains safe and reliable.
4. Blockchain in KYC verification
We need to go through a KYC check at banks to update our details and verify our identity. Blockchain allows the secure transfer of the KYC verification seal from one entity to another. It offers a detailed and highly immutable audit trail on all actions in KYC files. Let us understand how this system works:
The client uploads KYC data to the Blockchain system.
Banks can access KYC data from the Blockchain directly cutting out the middlemen.
Other institutions verify the KYC performed by the bank.
In this way, the data remains safe, reliable and saves time since the data is processed without intermediaries in the system.
5. Transparent and Genuine Blockchain-Based Charity Apps
In these recent times, people are really interested in helping and giving back to the community, but they feel that will this really help reach people in need? So, in such cases, we can make a transparent and genuine charity request that will prove helpful to the community. Let's see how this system works:
People in need would upload their data to the portal connected to the Blockchain system
The community can access their data from the Blockchain and could help them directly and safely.
The implementation of this system would help provide help to people in need and ensure transparency in transactions.
6. Identification of fake products through a Blockchain system based on barcodes
In this modern age, fake and replica products are in closer proximity. This leads to the creation of a large number of fake products, leading to confusion and mistrust among consumers. We can develop a blockchain-based barcode scanning system that will verify the originality of products.