How STEPN Clone App performance right now?
How STEPN Clone App performance right now?
Gamesdapp is an M2E Game Development Company that offers STEPN Clone App where the owner gets revenue from the small amount of taxes for the in-app activities performed by the users.

STEPN Clone App is an M2E, Web3 fitness sports app with fun all game elements, social-fi and game-fi elements also available. Using this STEPN Clone App, the users used NFT sneakers to walk, jog or run outdoors.

As a reward, in  STEPN Clone users earn cryptocurrencies or other assets that can be used to upgrade and mint new Sneakers.

Gamesdapp is an M2E Game Development Company that offers STEPN Clone App where the owner gets revenue from the small amount of taxes for the in-app activities performed by the users.

Tech Stack Covered In STEPN Clone

Programming Language for backend: MEAN or PHP | Solidity

Tool — Android Studio(Latest Version)

Language — Java/Kotlin (Updated Language)

Web Service — REST API’s

Web Service Format — Json Format

Database — Back end database (MySql)

SQLite local database — Room local database

Design — Material Design

Design : Unity 3D for graphics

All browsers & Devices Responsive

SEO Friendly

Security Features In STEPN Clone App

AES Encryption Prevention

Anti CSRF Token

XSS Clean

HTPP Headers

Mail Id Encryption

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