
On the cusp of hiring a Shopify Plus developer to transform your online store’s experience or create a custom app, tool, or Shopify theme?
Don’t do it without looking into (and satisfying) each of these criteria.
Evidence of Past Client Work (Client Portfolio)
Shopify Plus development is equal parts user experience and visual aspect. Most designers and developers are proud of their work and showcase it as a testament to their abilities.
Consequently, most developers will proudly advertise a client showcase or portfolio on their website that either lists their current and previous clients, or which (even better) shows the old and new designs side by side.
If you’re looking for the sort of work these designers and developers can accomplish this is one of your best assets to help you hedge the bet of hiring a developer.
Case Studies (Look for Actual Metrics)
If your purpose in hiring a Shopify Plus developer for your eCommerce business is to improve site speed by paring down excess code or ameliorating botched integrations or increase conversions by coding and integrating a custom app, then case studies are your best asset.
But beware of one thing. When you look at these case studies, make sure they contain the metrics you’re looking for. Don’t just be satisfied with an explanation of the project and what work was accomplished; look for before and after statistics from the development team.
Client Testimonials That Appear Offsite
Client testimonials that appear on a Shopify Plus agency’s website are lovely, but really, you can only trust them so far. You have no idea what the agency offered in order to get them.
Therefore, you need to find either testimonials or reviews that appear somewhere offsite, such as in Google’s reviews. You can also check out review boards like Clutch and Gartner.
The reason for looking specifically for offsite reviews is that there is a better chance here that these will be impartial, disinterested, and unbiased - that can potentially help you make a decision.
Before Agreeing to Any Deals, Ask All of the Questions on Your List
Finally, it is imperative that you don’t leave any questions unanswered before you agree to anything. You don’t want to sign a contract only to find out later that the agency is just not capable of delivering what you expected.
Asking any and all questions haunting the shadow of your doubt, whether they have to do with communications, payments, or how many edits you will be able to make on a mockup or trial before it’s delivered.
Getting satisfactory answers to all of your questions before you sign up will help put your mind at ease and also give you a point of reference if disputes do arise down the line - though we can hope that doesn’t happen.
Start Your Short List with a Shopify Plus Developer with 10 Years of Experience
In the worlds of eCommerce design, development, and digital marketing, 10 years is a veritable lifetime. What worked in eCommerce a decade ago, in terms of user experience and digital marketing, today is almost unrecognizable.
That’s why experience speaks such volumes. True, it is a boon in any industry, but 10 years of experience here is equivalent to a century or more of experience elsewhere.
Therefore, it’s worth your while to start your quest to create a better eCommerce experience with a Shopify Plus expert that has extensive experience. This is a good hedge against unforeseen circumstances.
Since 2012, 1DigitalⓇ Agency has been working with the Shopify platform, redesigning existing and creating new Shopify Plus websites from scratch, while custom coding and developing the apps and other types of functionality that make them truly unique.
To learn more about how this experienced Shopify Plus developer can revolutionize your online store, visit their website at or contact them at 888-982-8269.
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