
Can You Use Salt Block in Oven?
It is very easy and convenient to use Himalayan Salt Slabs wholesale in oven by following some basic rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are made to give a long age to our slat slab and to use it properly without facing any problem. Below are the some points to use Salt Slab in oven.
· Never use preheated oven to heat your slab.
· Start heating your slab on low to high level.
· Always use preheated Salt Slab in oven to avoid any issue.
· Clean with dry cloth before using.
· Always use same side of Salt block to avoid cracks.
· We can also heat our Salt Block directly in the oven but it can be dangerous because breakage of slab can cause damage to oven too.
· When it get full heated we can place our food stuff on the surface of the heated Slab and put it into the oven and let it be cooked.
· Do not use water because our Salt Block wholesale will use the moisture left by our food item.
· Always use any grill or stand to hold or deal with preheated Bulk Salt Slab.
· Cooking on Himalayan Salt Block blesses our meal a unique flavor and a fragrance that increase our appetite.
· After using cleaning is the next procedure to enjoy long term benefits so try to clean it with sponge. Never try to wash it directly with water. After cleaning store it at clean and dry place.
· Avoid to store your Salt Slab at humid place. Humidity will cause serious issues to it.