
Fine aggregates, cement, and an expansion agent are used to make autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), which rises like bread dough. In reality, this form of concrete has an air content of 80%. The material is molded and sliced into precisely dimensioned components in the plant where it is manufactured.
Thin bed mortar is used to bond autoclaved aerated concrete blocks or panels. Walls, floors, and roofs may all be built with components. The lightweight material is acoustic and thermally insulating, as well as robust and fire-resistant, like all cement-based materials. To be durable, AAC must have an applied finish such as polymer-modified stucco, natural or synthetic stone, or siding.
Advantages of ACC blocks.
What are the benefits of using AAC blocks?
In today's world, when the necessity of environmental conservation is becoming increasingly apparent, the building industry has seen technical developments, including the use of creative and sustainable construction materials.
Construction time is reduced and workability is improved.
Traditional bricks are typically 50% lighter and 10 times bigger than AAC blocks. This one-of-a-kind characteristic simplifies installation and gives the necessary flexibility, allowing for easy adjustments, cutting, and shaping. AAC blocks have fewer joints and standardized dimensions, making them easier to lay and completing projects faster. Finally, the lightweight blocks are easy to move, lowering overall logistics and shipping costs when compared to traditional brick transportation prices.
Buildings are frequently constructed to withstand vertical forces such as gravity and self-weight. Horizontal forces are also present, such as those caused by earthquakes. During the production process, the AAC blocks obtain a high level of strength, ensuring the completed structure's endurance. As a result, constructions built with AAC bricks can withstand larger seismic loads than ones made of traditional bricks.
Energy efficiency and thermal insulation
The substance has microscopic air pockets, and hydrogen is used to foam the concrete, providing it exceptional heat insulation properties that allow for mild winter temperatures and cool summer ones. As a consequence, you may be able to save up to 25% on your air conditioning costs. AAC blocks are energy-efficient throughout their lifespan because they require less energy to manufacture.
In comparison to other construction materials, AAC blocks are non-combustible and provide fire resistance of up to six hours, depending on block thickness and up to 1,200 degrees Celsius. As a result, it's also important from a fire safety aspect.
Sustainable and cost-effective
AAC blocks are made from non-toxic, natural raw materials and produce very little waste throughout the manufacturing process. Some of the garbage and offcuts can be recycled or used to make aggregates. Because it is constructed of non-biodegradable materials, it is sturdy and solid, and it resists rot and mold. AAC blocks are also cost-effective since they are lightweight, energy-efficient, and simple to install.
Compressive strength is high.
The AAC block has a compressive strength of 3 to 5 N/mm2. As a result, it is significantly more durable and effective than bricks of the same density.
AAC blocks are made of inorganic components that assist to keep pests like termites and rats out of the construction.
Moisture can wreak havoc on a building. Water absorption is minimal in AAC blocks because of the macro-pores. As a result, they provide better moisture resistance.
The porous and lightweight characteristic of AAC blocks allows for great sound reduction. As a result, AAC blocks are frequently used in residential buildings, hotels, and hospitals.
As a result, the AAC block contributes to customer development by lowering prices and providing superior quality performance. This can be used in the building's architectural, structural, and material components. AAC blocks are better for building than red clay bricks, according to the conclusion. As a result, the cost, quality, labor, and time have all been compared, and the paper's recommendation is to employ AAC blocks for building.