10 Major advantages of using Matterport Virtual Tours for Real Estate
10 Major advantages of using Matterport Virtual Tours for Real Estate
Today thanks to new technologies, in particular artificial intelligence developed by companies like Matterport, the 3D virtual tour is finally accessible to real estate agencies and real estate coaches.

A few years back, a few agencies offered professional photography to their clients. Now, these photographs are the norm, and those who still do not have them are at a serious disadvantage compared to their competitors in capturing new mandates. Today thanks to new technologies, in particular artificial intelligence developed by companies like Matterport, the 3D virtual tour is finally accessible to real estate agencies and real estate coaches.

The fastest are already taking note and taking advantage of this technology to stand out and using Matterport Virtual Tours for Real Estate, as they did before with photography.

 1. A high-quality 3D virtual tour with matterport interior design technology

According to an American study, real estate agents who offer to make a quality virtual visit win more exclusive mandate (+74%).

3D virtual tours with Matterport interior design technology make it possible to render a property for sale or rent in its entirety. As a result, customers, even at the other end of USA or the world, will have plenty of time to discover the goods on the market.

2. High-quality 4K HDR photos

With our virtual tours, we can extract HDR photos in JPG format. Of very good quality, these photos can be added to those taken with the eye and equipment of a professional photographer working with a reflex camera.

 3. Automatic guided tours

Each virtual visit can be controlled and automated in order to be broadcast from the agency's window. Thus, it is possible to show only part of the house and to keep a part of the mystery around the property for real estate agents who would not like to reveal everything at once.

4. Video tours

The video tours are made in mp4 format and can be broadcast on social networks as a first hook. This attracts prospects who will have to leave their contact details to find out more.

 5. Sharing on social networks

Virtual tour links can easily be shared on social networks such as Facebook. For images, Instagram will be preferred, while the video format will, of course, be reserved for the agency's YouTube channel.

 6. Publish on real estate sites

All sites broadcast real estate ads accept virtual tours or video links. Integrating images, videos or links on these distribution media becomes very easy. Note that the American leader in Austin, Texas, Padstyler, also makes it very easy to integrate virtual tour links with Matterport interior design technology.

 7. Integrate the virtual tour on the agency's website

This involves integrating a link inside the Html page containing the ad. Of course, Padstyler can accompany you if you wish to integrate the link of the virtual visit into your own website.

 8. Reduced time to market

By broadcasting a Matterport virtual tour, you multiply the exposure and, therefore the chances of selling. On average, the time on the marketing of a property that has a virtual tour is reduced by 25%, so consider choosing virtual home staging online.

 9. Save time

Thanks to virtual tours, you also lose less time: You attract better customers because you give the most accurate representation of the property. This increases efficiency because less time is spent managing ineffective contacts.

The virtual tours offered by Pad Styler make it possible to offer its customers a modern, innovative, rewarding and original service.

If you are looking for company that can provide you with a service like virtual home staging or other to sell your property fast, consider Padstyler. Visit or call us on 512.601.6303 to find out more!