
According to recent estimates, the roughly $ 64,000 that contributed to the economic process were small and medium-sized businesses, not large business houses that helped many industries.
List of Small and Medium Enterprises in India
Our Indian economy is growing faster in global comparison.The main source of success is the list of Smalland medium enterprises in India that have also expanded their businessoverseas.
According to recent estimates, the roughly $ 64,000 thatcontributed to the economic process were small and medium-sized businesses, notlarge business houses that helped many industries.
There are various fields of SME business in India. Listingyour company in the B2B company directory increases online visibility forpeople searching for various products and services online. This SME companyopens its doors to all over the world.
There is a list of Smalland medium enterprises in India based on business recognition and growthrates.
eat and drink
The main trade in the SME category in India is Food andBeverage. It has gained quality over the last 3-4 years. We have to thank theirdynamic fashion and eating habits which have increased market demand. A growthrate of 7.5% was observed between 2009 and 2013, resulting in 330 billiontrades in 2013.
IT trading
The information technology sector in India was observed togrow by 14.1% from 2009 to 2010. The industry is the most sought after todayand most of the people are in this industry for digital transformation.
Health industry
There is a big difference in price trends in India which isan important role in driving the growth rate of the healthcare industry interms of business. Analysis has shown that 35 billion trades currently exceed75 billion in 2012 and 150 billion in 2017.
Textile industry
India's textile trade falls in the B2B sector. Total textileexports from India account for around 27% of total trade. The B2B industrydirectory shows that cotton, silk, wool, hemp, hand-drawn and finished textilesare the main segments that will exclusively represent India's internationaltrade in the coming years.
construction industry
The construction trade accounts for around 11% of India'stotal GDP. Entrepreneurs of various raw materials around the world trade fordevelopment. The cement trade mainly contributes to this class.
Indian handicrafts are in great demand and trendy inoverseas markets. Countries like the US, Great Britain and Australia love ourIndian crafts and are therefore willing to pay large sums for them. The maincraft sections are handicrafts, handwritten textiles, jewelery and knitwear.They are trying to bring $ 3 billion in price swaps into the Indian economy.
banks and insurance companies
Credit cards, investment banking, mortgage and insuranceproducts are the main segments that have contributed significantly to theexpansion of the banking and insurance sector in the Republic of India. Thissector is considered to be the most important contributor to smalland medium enterprises in India.