
At Book My Wizard “On the Go Consulting Platform,” you can make additional income just by providing solutions to people across the globe. Isn’t that great? We are calling all kinds of wizards (experts) worldwide, under one roof where they can generate a good partial income by giving relevant solutions to the users’ queries through one to one live video sessions. Join our knowledge-sharing revolution to pass on your knowledge legacy. You can enhance your skills and also connect to professional experts by sitting anywhere in this world, at a time that is convenient to you. Let us know more about this platform and how you can gain profit from here.
What is Book My Wizard?
As we can see, Internet use has a significant effect on our everyday lives. Most people are depending on the webpages to find solutions where they are stuck on, but this is a big misconception that you will always get relevant solutions from the stored data. Gaining knowledge from it is tough! So, Book My Wizard steps in here, where we bring the experts who will help people to provide the right information and guide them through the right direction in less time by giving one to one live video sessions.
How to generate additional income?
It is very simple. All you need is to register yourself as a Wizard (expert) at Book My Wizard and follow these below-mentioned steps:
Step 1- Create an eye-catching profile for free by filling in all the required information by describing how you can help people in the category you have expertise in.
Step 2- Set your amount which will show on your profile.
Step 3- There are two ways to connect with the users. One is where they will post the queries on the platform. Once the query is posted you will receive a notification and you can send them your proposal and your available time you can give advice on. Another way is users will directly connect with you by looking at your profile, that is why always make your profile appealing.
Step 4- Once you connect with the users, you can start taking sessions at the scheduled time through one to one live video sessions. When the session is over you will receive money in your account.
Best Part- You don’t have to spend a whole day or hours on the website. Take session whenever you want to. You can take it on holidays, weekends, in your free time. There is no bondage on the platform. The sessions are of 15 minutes slots. You can take an hour session or more or just 15 minutes it is up to you how much time you need to give a particular solution.
Connect with the world sitting anywhere. You can build your name and knowledge legacy at Book My Wizard just by spending few minutes on the platform. We will be promoting your profile all over the world for free, run ad campaigns, and much more. Connect us via email for more information - and join us in this revolutionary change.