
Vitamin A: Helps body growth and tissue repair, helps with eye health, fights bacteria to avoid infection, protects epithelial tissue health, and promotes bone and tooth development.
Vitamin B1: Promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates, maintains a healthy nervous system, stabilizes appetite, stimulates growth and maintains good muscle condition.
Vitamin B2: Promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and helps to form antibodies and red blood cells and maintain cellular respiration.
Vitamin B3 (tobacco acid, nicotinic acid): strengthens the digestive system, helps with skin health and beauty, improves migraines, high blood pressure, diarrhea, accelerates blood circulation and reduces cholesterol.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol): accelerates wound healing, treats post-surgical tremors, and prevents fatigue.
Vitamin B6: It can help maintain the balance of sodium and potassium, regulate body fluids, promote the normal function of the nervous and skeletal muscle system, and is a natural diuretic.
Vitamin B12: It can prevent anemia, maintain a healthy nervous system, reduce allergic symptoms, and improve memory and body balance by producing and renewing red blood cells in the body.
Vitamin B13 (Orotic Acid): It is important for cell recovery and repair as it is metabolized together with vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Vitamin B15 (Panganmic Acid): Eliminates hypoxia. It promotes the metabolism of proteins and stimulates the activity of the glandular nervous system.
Vitamin B17 (Lactnile): It has the effect of cancer prevention and treatment. Vitamin B17 contains cyanide molecules. When normal cells absorb B17, they will break down the cyanide toxin and excrete it from urine, while cancer cells cannot break down cyanide and are attacked.
Vitamin C: treats burns, cuts and bleeding gums, accelerates rehabilitation after surgery, lowers blood cholesterol, prevents viral and bacterial infections, prevents cancer, is a natural laxative, prevents blood clots, prevents colds, and prevents allergies.
Vitamin D: Promotes the proper use of calcium and phosphorus in the body to produce strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin E: Delay cell aging, enhance endurance, prevent and dissolve blood clots, fire fatigue, accelerate the rehabilitation of burns, prevent scars, natural diuretic, lower blood pressure.
Vitamin F: Prevents cholesterol from clotting and precipitating in the arteries. It provides protection against X-rays which are harmful to human body.
Vitamin H (Biotin): Prevents hair graying, prevents and treats baldness, reduces muscle pain, treats eczema and dermatitis. It is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and promotes the utilization of vitamin B.
Vitamin K: prevents internal and external bleeding in the body and helps the formation of prothrombin elements.
Vitamin M (Folic acid): increases lactation, destroys parasites in the intestine and destroys toxins in food. It is a natural pain reliever, promotes appetite, prevents the development of mouth sores, and treats anemia.
Vitamin P (Bioflavonoids): strengthens microvascular tissues, prevents and treats bleeding gums, enhances the effectiveness of vitamin C, strengthens the body's resistance to bacterial infections, and treats edema and dizziness caused by inner ear diseases.
Choline: Prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, prevents the formation of gallstones, stimulates the nervous system, especially brain waves, enhances memory, and expands the liver.
Inositol: Promotes the metabolism of fat and cholesterol in the body, lowers cholesterol, and prevents hair loss. Inositol and choline synthesize lecithin in the body, which is very important for the nutrition of brain cells.
Vitamin assays provide data to support the assessment of the nutritional status of the human body and the study of the mechanisms of related diseases. Creative Proteomics has established an analytical platform based on LC-MS/MS technology for vitamin identification and content analysis.