
Before using a sensitive lash adhesive on a client, you should always test it. Three to four extensions should be placed on each eye, corresponding to the natural diameter and length of the eyelashes. Leaving the extensions on for 48 hours after application will help determine if it is a suitable choice. If a client has allergies or sensitivity to certain ingredients in lashes, keep a diary of the ingredients in their products.
Medical-grade glue is suitable for most clients, but there are also some types for the most sensitive of eyes. For example, if the client has very sensitive eyes, you should conduct a patch test before you begin applying the glue. Also, if you are not a professional or do not feel comfortable attempting to do the work yourself, consider using a semi-sensitive glue such as Marvel by Revelation. It contains cyanoacrylate and a small amount of latex.
When choosing a sensitive lash glue, choose a product that has hypoallergenic ingredients. Most eyelash glues contain cyanoacrylate, which is an allergen to less than 1% of the world's population. If you're concerned that your client may be allergic to this ingredient, you can try a lower-quality adhesive that has less cyanoacrylate. The lower concentrations of this substance may require a longer application time and longer drying time.