
The late summer heat is here. Fall may be right around the corner, and your go-to coffee spot has already rolled out the pumpkin spice, but the forecast is still hot, hot, hot. As you go about your day, the sun and heat can take their toll on your skin. It’s not just about those UV rays, either. Hot temperatures can leave you with fatigued, parched skin. So, to help you power through these last hot summer days, here are a few ways to keep your skin cool and fresh. From using a nourishing deodorant with charcoal to refocusing on your hydration, here are a few tips you can put to work for your skin today!
Use Deodorant with Charcoal and Skin Soothing Ingredients
We all know how vital deodorant is during summer. Even as summer ends, many hot days can still be ahead. And you know what that means. Perspiration! And perspiration can mean odor. Hot days or not, you want to keep odor under control and do it with safe, natural ingredients. This is where charcoal deodorant can play a significant role. Charcoal is one of a few key ingredients that help keep odor under control. It can help deodorize and keep odor-causing bacteria from doing their thing. But charcoal isn’t the only beneficial ingredient you want to look for. Another is tallow from grass-fed cows. This nutrient-rich ingredient helps nourish and moisturize your skin. On those hot later summer days, those can both help keep your skin feeling fresh.
Keep Skin (and Your Whole Self) Hydrated
Using a soothing mist made to boost hydration directly on the surface of your skin can be a late-summer blessing. It also may help soothe tired and heat-weary skin. But you don’t just want any hydrating soothing mist. You want something made with straightforward, natural ingredients like aloe vera juice, witch hazel, and blue tansy. Hydrated, soothed skin is one step to powering through the late summer. But don’t forget to keep your water bottle close by, too! While there are many ways to keep yourself hydrated, it’s hard to beat water. If you’re not a fan of drinking plain water, tossing in a little orange or lemon can give it a nice citrusy kick that will keep you coming back for more—precisely what you need!
Keep Your Daily Cleanse Fresh and Soothing, Too
When you take a bath or hop in the shower, you can use your daily cleanse to give back to your skin. For instance, soothing hydrating cleansers, like a baby soap bar, can be beneficial. During that late summer heat, soothing is where it’s at. Look for ingredients like coconut oil, goat milk, shea butter, and olive oil. These natural ingredients can benefit the skin in all kinds of ways. Goat milk, for example, is high in Vitamin A. This vitamin is key in repairing skin damage, and after a long day—in or out of the sun and heat—skin can always use a soothing, refreshing boost.
About Primally Pure
Primally Pure makes every one of their products to give you real, recognizable results. From day one, their philosophy has been the fewer ingredients, the better. But it’s not just about fewer or simpler ingredients. These ingredients are chosen for their purity and potency. There is nothing in Primally Pure’s dry shampoo that doesn’t belong there, from the organic arrowroot powder to select essential oils. The same can be said of any of their products. Want to learn more? Explore Primally Pure’s Holistic Skincare Guide and blog. Learn how to use a Gua Sha stone or dry brushing face and body techniques. There’s a world of wellness to discover with Primally Pure.
Step up your late summer freshness routine at
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