
1. As a treatment for dandruff
Applying diluted apple cider vinegar benefits on your scalp can be a great way to get rid of hair dandruff.
It's not clear whether this will be effective however, the theory suggests that the acids present in the vinegar may help in stopping growing of fungal fungus Malassezia which could cause dandruff.
2. In a sauce
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent ingredient to make an acidic sauce for your meals. You can add the vinegar to sauces made from tomatoes for them a richer taste.
3. In soup
A splash of vinegar in soup can bring its flavor to life.
If your homemade soup is a bit bland, consider adding vinegar towards the final stage. Mix it in slowly and then taste it until you have a flavor that you enjoy.
4. It is a weed-killer.
Another fantastic way to use the apple cider vinegar to use it as an easy chemical to kill weeds.
Spray undiluted vinegar over unwanted grasses in your yard to remove the. It is also possible to mix it with lemon juice and soap to see if this helps in its effectiveness.
5. Cakes and candies made from scratch
ACV is an apple cider vinegar well-known flavor enhancer and texture booster in baking, particularly when creating vegan desserts that don't contain eggs.
It also can add flavor to caramels and candy made at home as in this recipe..
6. As a natural deodorant
Applying the apple cider vinegar dilute is thought to be a natural alternative to commercially manufactured deodorants.
However, while it's popular in certain circles, it's unclear whether this technique is effective.
7. It is used as a dishwashing detergent.
The act of washing your dishes with apple cider vinegar can assist in eliminating any harmful bacteria and help keep them clean.
A few people add it to their dishwater, and others place it in the dishwasher.
8. To eliminate fleas
Apple cider vinegar can aid in preventing your pet from contracting fleas.
It's believed that spraying an aqueous mixture comprising one part of apple cider vinegar and one part water on your pet's skin will create a space which fleas will not like to be within.
Read: Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Apple Cider Vinegar.