
Oil Painting Portrait: An Artwork That Shows A Person’s Story
An artwork that expresses a person’s story is called a portrait, and this can be made of any material, such as painting on canvas or any other piece of art. The subject of a portrait is any person, and it is called the sitter. Many times a sitter invites an artist to make his portrait and the artist is paid by the sitter for his work. An artist may also call a person and invites him to sit so that he can make a portrait of that person. The subject of the portrait is the person shown in the portrait, sometimes he is called the sitter also. The portrait may be made of a person, when he is doing some other activities also, such as playing a sport or doing any other activity.
Oil painting portraits
The portraits made from oil paints are called oil painting portraits, and they can tell us about how we see people. Portraits show the looks of a person but they can also be used to capture an idea of a person. A portrait can also tell us how a person wants to be seen and it also captures the mood of the sitter. These moods can be described by choosing the proper colors in an image. Oil paints take a longer time to dry and therefore it gives you the flexibility to start the painting where you left it, even after a day. Because oil paint on the palette will be wet and you can blend your canvas after a few hours also. As oil paints are slow drying, these allow blending in a fantastic way and hence a smooth transition in painting can be created.
Materials used for making portraits
Portraits can be made by using oil paints, acrylic colors, or watercolors. Each medium has its pros and cons. Oil paints are costly and take a longer time for drying but it has better finishing and gives a better look to your portrait, and hence preferred over other materials.