
And that’s absolutely fine! We are here to explain these concepts to you, making it even more comprehensive!
VOD and OTT have been a huge help because we no longer have to miss out on our favourite shows, games, movies, and more. On-demand video has progressed so much over the years that the lines between VOD and OTT have blurred!
They are, indeed, distinct streaming services. Over the years, the terms OTT and VOD streaming services have been used so interchangeably that it is difficult to distinguish between the two. We've lost track of some applications and video-on-demand software that switch between VOD and OTT.
What is VOD Streaming?
With the introduction of what is vod, the wait to watch videos was over. Gone are the days when we rushed home from work to catch an episode of our favourite show or stayed up late to watch it. Video on demand platform allows you to watch videos at your own pace from anywhere.
This freedom means that you get to:
Watch what you want
When you want to
From anywhere you choose to
What Is OTT Streaming?
OTT usually refers to video content, but it can also refer to podcasts, audio messaging, VoIP calls, and other services. The internet is primarily used by services such as WhatsApp, Netflix, Skype, and others to stream content to their users.
OTT vs VOD allows you to watch videos whenever and wherever you want. The only difference is that such videos will require an active internet connection to be streamed. OTT stands for over-the-top, and it refers to services that are provided in addition to traditional services such as satellite and cable TV.
Difference Between VOD And OTT
The world of streaming videos has advanced significantly over the years, but people are still confused about the difference between the two, which is none other than OTT vs VOD!
And that's perfectly fine! We are here to help you understand these concepts in greater depth!
Source: Difference between ott and vod