
Pokémon Go: Everything to know about Charmander
The orange-colored reptile has always been a fan-favorite ever since it was introduced. He walks on his crippled legs and is a starter character of Pokémon Go of Generation 1. It has big blue eyes, round, creamy belly, and a tail on Fire (because of the burning tip of the tail it is put in the Fire category.) It is one of the most popular Pokémon characters in the first stage. The Fire on its tail is the indicator of its mood and health. As the energy level reduces, the flames also decrease with it. It is said by many people that if the flame of the Pokémon goes out, it will die.
It is generally found in mountain ranges, hot areas, but more generally, this character is found in the arena around the training zone. Squirtle and Bulbasaur are found in the near vicinity of this character. It is one out of the three-character which have been offered a new trainer in the Kanto Region by the Prof. Oak (if you do not count Ash Pikachu as a character of Pokémon).
It is also one of the very first options of choices. When a player becomes the Champion in the Pokémon Sword and Shield, Charmander will be gifted to the Champion by the Leon.
Name: It is known by the name of Charmander and Hitkago in Japanese.
Classification: This Pokémon lies in the category of Lizard.
Type: This character comes in the Fire-type.
Generation: This is of Generation 1 (Kanto Region)
Gender Ratio: This character contains 12.5% of Females and 87.5% Male characteristics.
Height: When comes to height, it’s 2′.
Weight: This small looking Pokémon weighs 18.7 LBS.
Evolution and Generation:
- This character evolves at level 16 into Charmeleon
- Also with 25 Candies into Charmeleon
Alternate Formes: It has a one variant costumed Pokémon Go.
How to catch in Sword or Shied:
- Players have the option to catch this after becoming the Champion (then this character will be gifted to the player by Leon).
- If players do like this character and can’t complete the task to become Champion, then they can add this character in their collection through the trade with their friends.
How a user can capture it in Go:
There are many strategies a player can use to capture the Charmander:
- Firstly begin with the Starters.
- Deploy the Raids
- Lay the Eggs
- Spawns will clear the target and make it easy to capture the character.
- The last step only is to make Nests for the character.
Strength Provider:
This Pokémon get it the power to move by Ancient Power, Belly Drum, Wing Attack, Bite, Metal Claw, Dragon Rush, Counter. After getting power from the mentioned methods, this Pokémon is able to move.
Resistant Against:
This Pokémon is resistant to a Bug, Steel, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice with the half capacity.
Damaged Normally By:
This character has normal damage against fighting, poison, ghost, flying, psychic, dark. But when it comes to ground, water, and rocks, its damage is just double.
Dyna Bravo is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.