
Pragma Edge INC.
PragmaEdge isa software, SaaS, and consulting services company that drivesdigitization data integration and process automation. We are one of thefastest-growing companies in the United States and are ranked 20th amongI.T. Services companies. We are achieving this growth by helping our customersto achieve their goals, delivering innovation, collaboration, and agility withsolutions and services that improve their bottom line and business operations.We are a team of "Does and Thinkers" who take a pragmaticapproach addressing the needs of our customers.
Centralize the B2B Ecosystem 68%of companies regularly exchange critical information with 250 or more partners,suppliers, and customers. And 53% of these companies report a lack ofvisibility into these relationships as a primary concern with existingbusiness-to-business (B2B) integration solutions. IBMPartner Engagement Manager (PEM) helps address thesechallenges by providing a centralized point of control to manage and monitoronboarding as well as ongoing interactions with the B2B community. PEM canleverage existing Systems of Record (SOR) and provide a SOR for partner detailsthat are essential to various systems involved in B2B integration and managedfile transfers. PEM is configurable and extensible, enabling each business todesign and direct the interaction experience for their partners, suppliers, andcustomers. Through simple drag and drop functionality, business users cancreate new processes and activities, easily customizing and defining the tasksand approval steps required in a given process. Activities may includevalidating contact information, onboarding to a new service, broadcastingmessages and receiving validation from partners, answering questions anduploading documents to verify compliance with industry regulatory requirements.
Improves VisibilityWith these controls, PEM gives companies better visibility across, andmonitoring of, their partner and supplier communities. PEM eliminates bothisolated and paper-based management and provides central visibility into thepartner community and processes, as well as provides the information necessaryto more easily perform ongoing monitoring and analysis.
Faster OnboardingOnboarding a new partner, whether it is a supplier or a customer, is one of themost timeconsuming and challenging tasks in B2B integration. More than 70% ofcompanies report that their IT staff struggles to support the volume of tradingpartners their organizations needs to onboard and manage – or cannot supporttechnical onboarding requirements. PEM gives businesses powerful capabilitiesto onboard and provision large numbers of trading partners at once or inone-off fashion, as needed. PEM reduces onboarding time by as much as 75% withworkflow-driven processes, by reducing errors and delays for both sponsors andpartners, and by helping to build a foundation for a positive relationship.
Enable Self-Service Akey function provided by PEM is self-service. Partners, who can be suppliers orcustomers, are empowered to provide their own information directly into the B2Bsystem – and can be automatically notified whenever their input is required.Business users can customize alerts and reminders to let partners know whenthey’re about to miss a deadline and PEM monitoring capabilities ensure thatpartners fulfill all the necessary requirements for doing business with thesponsor organization. This frees up IT staff time to focus on other priorities.
Reduce Errors and Risks Bystandardizing processes and activities, enabling self-service, and providinggreater visibility, PEM also helps companies reduce errors and risks.Specifically, PEM addresses governance and risk issues through secure means ofhandling partner configuration values and implementing processes such as dualapproval prior to provisioning to production environments.
Reduce Costs and AccelerateTime to Revenue With the benefits described above, PEM setsa solid foundation to reduce time and costs associated with B2B integration andecosystem management. PEM reduces onboarding time across applications, helpsmanage partner relationships across the organization, and fosters greatercollaboration with partner communities with an extensible self-serviceplatform. PEM also accelerates ROI and when onboarding customers, the time torevenue, by accelerating the onboarding process. Typically, a new partner canbe onboarded in a week or less with PEM, as contrasted with onboarding times of10 weeks or more with manual or other solutions. That translates into a fewmonths of savings and additional possible revenue with each new relationship.
B2B Transformation andMigration IBM Partner Engagement Management (PEM) is the idealsolution to help businesses complete a B2B system migration. PEM can help acustomer migrate their partner community from one system to another by helpingpartners contribute to the migration process capitalizing on PEM’s self-servicecapabilities. All of this is completed while also providing complete visibilityinto a partner’s progress to help to facilitate a migration.