
How to Open WordPerfect on Windows 10?
WordPerfect is one of the essential tools for file extensions, therefore numerous users wish to add it to their system. However, if you are facing difficulty in doing so, then quickly obtain a resolve through below written guidelines.
Launch WordPerfect File with MS Word
In case you intend to launch a WordPerfect file with MS Word, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines.
- First of all, launch the MS Word app on your system.
- After that, select the MS key to show all the options of the program.
- You should select the Open option.
- Now, you require to choose the File option and Open.
- Go to the ‘File Type’ menu of drop-menu at the lower side of the section.
- Then you have to set this to ‘All Files.’
- Reach the search section and search for the file of the WordPerfect file.
- Click on it and select the Open option.
- In the MS Word, the file will launch once it’s changed automatically.
- Navigate to the menu of File and select the ‘Save as’ option.
- Ensure to tap Save As Type from the drop-down section, in case of sudden open save screen opening it.
- Now, reach the save button and click on it.
- In case a window shows alert notification you about modification associated with the format of the fresh file, click on the Yes button.
Change the Name of Extension
If the users are trying to change the name of the extension, then they should carefully apply the given steps.
- You should grab the file of WordPerfect and put it on the Desktop.
- Thereafter, select the file and right-click on it.
- You have to choose the Rename option.
- Now, select the file of extension and rename it from .wpd to .doc.
- After that, go to the file and twice click on it.
- In MS Word, the file should quickly launch it.
- Finally, you should either let it in the file type of .doc or change it to the file of .docx type.
Modify the File Associations
In case you intend to modify the file associations, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines.
- Firstly, get the file and place it on the desktop.
- After that, select the file then right-click on it.
- You should click on the Open with option.
- Go to the option which says ‘Choose default program.’
- Then highlight MS Word and put a checkmark beside the option which says ‘Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.’
- In case you cannot locate the Word as you want, then select the Browse option to find the ‘Winword.exe.’
- Thereafter, go to the OK button and click on it.
- The recent .wpdfile will quickly launch in Word.
- Finally, you require to twice click to launch them in the MS Word moving ahead.
Dyna Bravo is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.