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KeyMarket Insights
§ Several companiesworldwide claim to possess the required expertise and infrastructure to offercontract manufacturing services for a variety of antibody-based products.
§ The market landscapeis highly fragmented, featuring the presence of both established players andnew entrants; majority of antibody CMOs claim to operate as one stop shops andhave presence across different regions.
§ In recent years, asteady increase in partnership activity has been observed in this domain; avariety of deals have been inked related to antibodies for use across a numberof different disease indications.
§ At present, theinstalled, global antibody contract manufacturing capacity is estimated to be approximately2.2 million liters, distributed across companies of all sizes worldwide.
§ In order to enhancecore competencies related to this field of research, CMOs are activelyinvesting in upgrading existing infrastructure and expanding their respectivemanufacturing capacities.
§ In fact, ongoingcapability improvement efforts and facility upgrades have led to theestablishment of industry benchmarks, which serve as a standard for new productdevelopment initiatives in this domain.
§ Given that there areseveral antibody-based drug / therapy candidates being evaluated across variousstages of development, the demand for such products is anticipated to risesignificantly over the next decade.
§ Antibody-basedproduct developers are likely to continue to outsource their manufacturingoperations in mid to long term, resulting in a multi-billion growth opportunityfor contract service providers.
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415