
Compare price and deals:
Start searching about hotels via OTAs sites like booking, just dial, sulekha, and much more. Initially they provide some offers based on the hotel amenities. If you are looking for the same amenity with different hotels you can directly ask the deals to you.
Use last minute deals
Last minute deals are one of the good things to save your cost. All hotels provide last minute deals to the users who are booking instantly within the end of the deals. This method is also really helpful for hotel business owners to increase the business sales.
If the hotel is situated in the centre of the city it would cost more. So you can clearly know the location with lowest prices. It will typically save your cost. In chennai 3 star hotels are mostly located in the centre of the city so you have in mind that would be preferable for you.
If you know the hotel budget on their website or any advertisement you don’t think about, you can directly contact them and negotiate any other hotel prices with them. They will definitely charge low costs. If you are looking for a budget hotel in madurai, just check it out Hotel President.