
5 Common Worm Bin Problems With Solutions
There are a lot of problems that worm composters can encounter should their worm bins turn disorderly (especially when they’re done with the how to make a worm bin stage). Yes, worm bin problems can happen especially when it’s been neglected of its proper upkeep. So if you’re into worm composting, make sure that you not only look after the needs of your worms, also look into the other situations that your worm tumbler may experience throughout the project. To know what to pay attention to, read 8 of the common worm bin problems form this article.
Bin Problem # 1: Always take into consideration the temperature changes. A composting worms bin should not be exposed under conditions that’s extremely hot or cold (as both can kill the worms). The best place that you can put your composter is where the temperature is controlled like your closet, garage, or basement. So during the summer, make sure that you place your composter where it’s not directly hit by the sun. And when the winter season comes, make sure that you keep the bin insulated so that you can keep the worms warm all throughout. You can do this by putting the bin on top of a carpet or by placing some heating pads under the composter.
Bin Problem # 2: There’s certainly a problem when your worms’ food starts to rot and smell. So how to make a worm bin smell fresh again? Well, you can start checking if you’ve added too much food inside the bin because chances are, your worms have totally passed over these already. Your worms have either bypassed the food because the size might be too big for their consumption, or its something that’s not akin to their taste buds (avoid feeding them products that have citrus, meat, seafood, poultry or dairy in them). So remove these excess materials immediately and replace these with bite-size pieces.
Bin Problem # 3: Worm bin problems can happen when you leave the bin too wet. Why is this bad? Well, when you leave your bin soaking wet, two things can happen: your worms can drown from it and the organic materials inside the bin may get spoiled. Try to achieve a bedding that’s only as wet as a wrung out sponge. You can either put in some newspaper strips to absorb the excess water and also check the drainage holes of your bin if it’s clogged or not.
Bin Problem # 4: Leaving your bin too dry is one of several other worm composting problems. A dry environment may also irritate the skin of your worms. Since they breathe through their skin, it’s always best to keep them under moist surroundings. So should your bin be under such a condition, try spraying or sprinkling some water on top of it.
Bin Problem # 5: If you see your worms crawling out of their bin, then you might want to consider the acidity level of your composter. Acid can burn the skin of your worms. So should it come to this point, you can neutralize the ph level by adding in some crushed egg shells or some powdered limestone.
Now that you’ve read 5 common worm bin problems, make sure that you keep an eye on your worms and on their make-shift home. You are responsible for these soil creatures since you’ve taken them out from their natural habitat. The least that you can do for them is to give them the utmost care that they deserve. You will, in fact be reaping a lot of good things from them in the end anyway.
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