
What is Frsky XSR-SIM USB Simulator Dongle?
You might have probably wondered What is Frsky XSR-SIM and if it got something to do with what I am saying. Yes! It is what I am talking about. You may have heard that FrSky has come up with a solution that allows you to connect your Transmitter wirelessly to your PC or laptop for Racing drone Simulators or for any other simulators as well.
As RC Hobby is expanding in terms of technology and reliability, the Simulator world is also developing. Drone Simulators or any other simulator is highly useful for noobs as well Pro’s Because it will help to reduce the crashes in real life and saving the cost to get your drone or other RC Crafts airworthy again.
If you are a beginner, Simulator is helpful in getting used to controls and basic maneuvers that you can perform with the Crafts you have. If you are Pro, Simulators will be helpful in developing new skills and advanced Maneuvers. Imagine you are trying to learn the controls of your racing drone by taking it to a field and returning with a crashed Drone?
That’s exactly why it is recommended to learn the controls in the simulator before attempting to fly a quad in real life. You don’t have to pay to try out in a Simulator as there are Free and Paid Versions of different Simulators available. Hence it will save your Money and Perhaps some Injuries as well?
Although it is really Frustrating and inconvenient to have a long cable going out from your Transmitter to your PC through all the rooms and sometimes you may wish if there was a Wireless way. Great! Then this is going to be the answer to your Question What is Frsky
XSR-SIM. It is a USB Dongle that allows you to Wirelessly connect your Transmitter to PC for Simulator purposes. Let's get to know more about it….
Frsky has designed the XSR-SIM in a small size factor. It is the same or may be smaller than the size of a USB Flash Drive. It is 5cm long and 2cm broad with less than 2cm thickness. The Compact design and semi Transparent Plastic Body give it a Cool look and make it unique from Traditional USB Wired dongles that are available in the market.
The distinct Triangular Part right below the FrSky logo is the Binding Button. You can take this section apart. You can update the firmware in it through the Smart Port in it. The process is the same as updating firmware in the R-XSR Receiver. Although You will have to open the USB Dongle to take a look at the Smart port pin in it.
How does it work?
Well if you are wondering how it works, It's pretty similar to using Betaflight simulator which Is a Flight Controller + Receiver combo for Simulator except the wiring and requirement is much simpler. In Betaflight Simulator, the STM32 chip of the Flight Controller is used to convert the S.Bus Signal from the Receiver to an HID (Human Interface Device) Joystick so that it will be recognized as the same when Flight Controller is connected to Computer.
So you might be wondering what is FrSky did to make this one. It's pretty similar to an XSR Receiver that has an STM Chip in it. This USB Dongle is a “Modified XSR” where the STM chip in it is also used to convert the S.Bus Signal to an HID Joystick. Hence it will be shown as Joystick when connected to PC. It comes with Drivers in it so that You don’t have to install any drivers in Windows OS for it.
How to Use it?
First Create a Model in Your Frsky Radio for playing with Simulators. Then follow the below steps to Bind it with the Frsky or Horus Radio;
Put the transmitter RF module into binding mode
For Taranis Series transmitters, turn on the transmitter, go to the MENU->MODEL SETUP->PAGE 2, choose Internal or External RF-->Mode D16, then select Bind
For Horus Series transmitters, turn on the transmitter, go to RF SYSTEM—Mode D16, choose Internal or External RF, and select BIND under STATE
For transmitter modules (XJT as an example), choose D16 mode first, and turn on External RF on the transmitter while holding the F/S button on the module, release the button and the RED LED on XJT module will flash
Power on the USB Dongle while holding its BIND button. The RED LED on the receiver will flash and the GREEN LED is on, indicating the binding process is completed
Exit the Bind mode and power of the USB Dongle.
If you want to make sure the Binding was successful, then power on the Dongle and check if Green led is flashing and red led is off. That means Dongle is receiving commands from the Radio.
Where to Buy:
We have discussed some of the aspects of the XSR-SIM Simulator Dongle and saw how convenient to use it. Above all, It is not that expensive and you can grab one for less than 20$ which makes it a great value for the money. I hope this article has helped some to Understand what is FrSky XSR-SIM Simulator Dongle.