
how to set up rc transmitter and receiver
Binding your rc transmitter and rc receiver
By version 1., ROSflight only supports Parts per million receivers on F1 controllers, while F4 controllers support SBUS and Parts per million. In case your transmitter/receiver setup only supports PWM output, we advise utilizing a Parts per million encoder like the one here. Make sure to set the RC_TYPE parameter to for Parts per million, or 1 for SBUS.
Do as instructed inside your instructions to bind your rc transmitter and rc receiver. You may even manage to find helpful information online with instructions just look for the particular transmitter and receiver model.
RC Transmitter Calibration
To prevent confusion and also to reduce code complexity within the firmware source code, ROSflight doesn't perform software calibration of RC transmitters. Which means that RC calibration should be done around the transmitter itself, instead of in software. This really is pretty straight-forward for many modern transmitters.
Configure the entire stick output for every funnel
The simplest way to get this done would be to go into the "Servo Setup" Menu (for Spektrum transmitters) and alter the servo travel variable. You can view the raw RC readings in the flight controller by echoing the rc_raw subject from rosflight_io
rostopic echo /rc_raw
center both sticks in your transmitter
Apply subtrim before the first four channels all read 1500 exactly (or as near as you possibly can--some RC receivers are worse than the others and can't exactly output 1500 us)
Set the funnel endpoints to ensure that maximum stick deflections lead to readings of 1000 and 2000 us.
You might want to follow this YouTube guide for funnel calibration in betaflight: Calibrating RC endpoints with Taranis X9D.
Configure stick directions for roll, pitch, and yaw channels.
You have to make certain your RC transmitter is delivering instructions in conjuction with the north-east-lower (NED) frame assumed by ROSflight.
You might find this graphic useful. It shows all of the fundamental stick positions, and also the connected output in the first four channels when searching in a raw AETR (aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder) RC signal from rosflight_io. Make certain the stick output is incorporated in the right direction.