
What is Mantra - Yoga School in Rishikesh - Sanskar Yoga Shala
Mantra is that world which takesthe man who sincerely chants it across the ocean of rebirth. This is thehighest meaning of the term mantra. There is other lesser meaning also. Mantrais an occult formula to remove various troubles or to fulfill various mundanedesires. Depending upon the motives with which the mantra-s is chanted Inregard to the chanting of mantra-s or mantra-yoga, what is a mantra? Mantra isa powerful world or a combination or world heard by a sage.
Mantra is that world which takes the man who sincerely chants it across theocean of rebirth. This is the highest meaning of the term mantra. There isother lesser meaning also. Mantra is an occult formula to remove varioustroubles or to fulfill various mundane desires. Depending upon the motives withwhich the mantra-s is chanted. Mantra is an incantation which, when utteredwith correct intonation. Yields results through the forces of nature, deities,or angels whom one propitiates, whose hymn one utters or chants. Mantra is aword-power which could be utilize for one’s own welfare or destruction. It islike atomic energy. It is power acting according to the devotion of the man whouses it.?Mantra –vidya (knowledge) is really the science of thought.
The world has come from the thought of god. It emerged into gross form by theprojection of his word Om. Om is Veda or knowledge of god. It is sound. Thusone can see that mantra, nada or Veda is all inter-linked. The Veda-s is fullof mantra-s of great thought-powers which have come from nada or sound. Thus,every mantra has a particular nada or sound intonation. If the intonation isnot known, the mantra may not yield the full result. Therefore students of theVeda-s know that mantra-s of the sama-veda. At the same time, it is not enoughto know only the sounds. But one should also know the words, without which theresults will not be the same. There are examples in the Veda-s where oppositeresults occurred for failure to utter the worlds of the mantracorrectly.Therefore mantra-vidya is a great thought-science which should bepracticed under competent teacher…
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