
Bruxism is a condition in which you clench, gnash or grind your teeth involuntarily. It may happen when you are awake- a condition known as awake bruxism and when you are asleep- a condition known as sleep bruxism.
People who have sleep bruxism are prone to have other sleep disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea. If you have mild bruxism, you may not require any treatment. But if it is severe, you need to get it treated. The common way to treat the condition is by wearing a nightguard.
Your healthcare providers will design a night guard according to your teeth adjustment. When you grind or gnash your teeth, eventually they get damaged. But when you wear a nightguard, the damage to them can be prevented. Therefore your healthcare providers will advise you to wear it at night for sleep bruxism. Moreover, if you have pain in the jaw or headache, they will prescribe you over-the-counter pain reliever medications and muscle relaxants.
If you have sleep bruxism, you may be even unaware of it. However, if you have any of its signs and symptoms, you should visit the healthcare provider soon. They will evaluate your condition and prescribe treatment according to it. Many people take sleep bruxism lightly because it is not a serious condition. It may not be a serious condition, but it can lead to tooth damage. Of course, no one wants to get their teeth damaged. Therefore it is better to consult with the healthcare provider as soon as possible. To get an expert opinion, you can visit a Dentist in Lahore.
What Are The Symptoms of Bruxism?
The common signs and symptoms of bruxism are:
Grinding or clenching your teeth at night with such a sound can disturb your partner’s sleep.
Pain in the jaw
Flattened, chipped, or loose teeth
A worn tooth that even exposes the deeper layers of the enamel
Tooth sensitivity and pain
A problem in opening your jaw. You may feel muscle tension even when you open your mouth to yawn.
You may feel like having an earache. But in reality, it is not. It happens because of jaw pain that radiates.
Soreness or pain in the neck, face, or jaw
Disrupted sleep
When Should You See A Dentist?
More than you, your partner who sleeps with you can tell better about your teel grinding. If you do that every night or too frequently, you should book an appointment with the dentist soon. Moreover, you should also do stress-relieving exercises. It is because, most commonly, it happens because of tension and stress. If you are too stressed, you can visit a psychologist too. They can help you in getting rid of stress.
What Are The Risk Factors For Bruxism?
Factors that can put you at risk of developing bruxism are:
Being stressed is one of the common factors causing bruxism. Moreover, anger and frustration can also lead to teeth clenching.
Often teeth grinding is common in children. In most cases, it gets resolved in adulthood.
People who are aggressive, hyperactive, or competitive are more prone to clenching their teeth.
Family History
Sleep bruxism often runs in families. If you have it, the chances are quite high that other people in your family may also have it. You may have got it from your mother, father, or close relatives. Moreover, you can also pass it to your children, nieces, or nephews.
The Bottom Line
Wearing a nightguard is essential for bruxism. It often happens because of stress. You should try to get rid of it too. Practice stress-relieving exercises to keep teeth clenching at the bay. However, if you do that frequently, you need to wear a nightguard. To get one designed for you, visit the healthcare provider soon. To get an expert opinion, you can consult with the best dentist in Islamabad.