What Are Wisdom Teeth?
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Your wisdom teeth are called molar teeth. They’re the tooth at the back of your mouth and last to grow in. most people get their molars from age 16 to 25. They are the same as other teeth and can get:

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth are called molar teeth. They’re the tooth at the back of your mouth and last to grow in. most people get their molars from age 16 to 25. They are the same as other teeth and can get:


    • Get a Decay and cavity
    • They become impacted or knocked
    • They get stuck in between the gum line and other teeth.

Suppose you suffer from a wisdom tooth infection. In that case, you need immediate treatment for a dentist, but not all pain results from a tooth infection or tooth disease. Here are some treatments for wisdom teeth infection and pain.



How infection progress

Wisdom teeth may get infected often because they are placed back of your mouth and are harder to clean if food and bacteria can get trapped and untreated in your mouth. The area around your wisdom teeth can easily miss out from brushing and flossing. An impact wisdom tooth partially grows at some angle or sometimes entirely sideways.


A partially impacted wisdom tooth potentially may have a higher risk of infection because its shape and angle make it more susceptible to infection and unhygienic, which may lead to infectious diseases and tooth decay. A decay or cavity may happen due to the overgrowth of bacteria and holes in your tooth enamel.


Several types of bacteria can cause infection around the wisdom tooth. An infection can spread to your face and brain in a few cases. Your dentist will recommend you Teeth Extraction Near Me. What kinds of bacteria can cause infectious tooth diseases:


    • Streptococcus
    • Actinomyces and Peptostreptococcus
    • Prevotella
    • Fuso-bacterium
    • Aggregatibacter
    • Eikenella corrodens

What are the Treatments for wisdom tooth infection:

Here are some treatments for a wisdom tooth infection that may involve:

    • Prescripted medication from your dentist to treat the tooth and gums
    • Some dental procedural work to repair and restore your teeth
    • One of the most used methods for infectious wisdom teeth removal surgery

Your dentist will diagnose and examine your teeth and scan the area (with the help of X-rays). This scanning will help to determine the best dental treatment for your tooth.




Initially, your dentist will prescribe you some antibiotics to clean infections in your wisdom tooth. Your dentist will start the medication course at least a week before having tooth treatment or Infected Wisdom Tooth Extraction. Antibiotics will help to heal any pus or infectious bacteria around your tooth.


Removal Surgery

Pulling a tooth is an utterly complicated procedure. Your dentist will administer a local anesthetic or general anesthesia for an infection to the surgical site. This process may take 20-30 minutes to Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction in different sections. This will help to avoid injury to nerve tissues and the jaw bone structure.


There are possible side effects and risks of Infected Wisdom Tooth Removal, including:


    • Bleeding and infection are possible for a few days of the procedure
    • Numbness in your tongue, lower lip, or whole mouth after a few hours of surgery.
    • You may start feeling jawbone weakness.

An infection can happen in your mouth after a few weeks of wisdom teeth removal surgery. If you find any such problem, you should visit your dentist.



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