
What a Yoga Asana means – Yoga In Rishikesh – Sanskar Yoga Shala
Well, this one is going to be both interesting and action-packed as wetry to understand it since writing more and more on this topic doesn’t end. Theheart and core of the yogic practice which we know today, no wonder streets,facebook walls and every corner which has heard the name of yoga has an imprintof this part of the yogic routine. Asanas are postures, simply speaking takingyour physical body and trying to manipulate and put it into various ways hereand there is what an asana is. Twisting, laying down, standing, bending, etc.Etc whatever possible motion your body can do is combined to form a specificposture and then you stay or try holding it feeling both stable and peaceful atthe same time.
From the perspective of the practitioner that is what a posture would look andfeel like. This way we have not hundreds and thousands of postures (new onesbeing developed by curious practitioners as well), and while it is both achallenging and physically vitalizing part of the yogic practice don’t think itis a meager one, it is one of the most in-depth and essential routines which isthe reason that most of the scriptures deal with this topic in pages and pages.Asana may seem like static gymnastics and acrobatics but is way deeper. TheHath-yoga (one of the yogic traditions) attributes postures for activating thedormant vital chakras or energy centers of the body. They carry immensephysical benefits ranging from weight-loss, flexibility, immunity, calmness,lightness of body and good sleep and overall health. They go on furtherintegrating your mind to the body since staying or maintaining a posture withease and peace is possible only when the mind is actively involved in doing sowith the proper realization of the same and with proper breathing as well. Oncepurification of the body is complete the practice takes on the part of asanasand hence the practice mainly covers a range of postures in which the body isput into.
There are a few facts though which need to be kept in mind while doing anasana, firstly a complete posture involved smoothly moving into the posturewhich means all the body parts take their respective roles in a smooth andgenerous manner and take up the form of the posture. Once attained holding theposture or maintaining it for a period of time is essential where the mindcomes into play with the body. Lastly, the type of breathing you do in aposture sums it up and while being steady in a posture the breathing is soughtto be calm and composed having proper realization while you inhale and exhale.The key features of a successful posture are steadiness and feeling of calm andpeace of mind while in it, adding to it no sweating or shivering.
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