
Test tube baby centre Lucknow l Best Gynecologist Lucknow
For an IVF Cycle, before starting the treatment we will do the Testing and Ovarian Stimulation at Chandra IVF the best fertility centre in Lucknow. Before IVF, you’ll have an evaluation of your uterus and fallopian tubes to make sure there are no issues that require surgical repair. Pre-cycle testing includes hormonal evaluation to assess thyroid function and ovarian reserve, screening both partners for sexually transmitted infection, and a semen analysis of the male partner.
Note: Avoid at home pregnancy tests during the IVF treatment.
Thirty-four to thirty-six hours after receiving the trigger shot – before the eggs ovulate – you’ll have a surgical procedure to remove the eggs from follicles in your ovaries. For this egg retrieval procedure, at Chandra IVF test tube baby center in Lucknow we will conduct an ultrasound used to visually guide a small needle through the top of the vagina into one ovary and then the other. You shouldn’t experience any pain or discomfort during the process as you’ll be under sedation through an IV while closely monitored by an anesthesiologist.
We are committed to combining an efficient, quick and cost-effective Infertility Treatment with a warm, friendly approach.
We provide you with the facility of prenatal ultrasound during pregnancy to show images of your baby’s development.
Once eggs reach the lab, our expert will examine them to determine maturity and quality. Mature eggs are transferred into a special culture medium, placed in an incubator and within a few hours of egg retrieval are fertilized with sperm. There are two ways to fertilize an egg: conventional insemination or intra-cytoplasmic injection (ICSI). Which process is used will be determined by our IVF doctor the best IVF doctor in Lucknow and depends on multiple factors related to the couple going through IVF. Both methods have approximately the same success rate.
Note: Avoid at home pregnancy tests during the IVF treatment.
Following fertilization, our doctor the best Gynecologist in Lucknow and the couple determine exactly when embryo transfer will take place – anywhere between 1 and 6 days but usually 3-5 days after egg retrieval. However, if the decision is made to do genetic testing, first a biopsy is taken from embryo, almost always on culture day 5 or 6. Usually 3 to 8 cells are sent for testing performed at an outside lab, while the embryos are frozen and remain in our IVF laboratory. After receiving the genetic test results, the selected embryo is chosen and transferred into the uterus, usually within 1 to 2 months after the egg retrieval.
We are committed to combining an efficient, quick and cost-effective Infertility Treatment with a warm, friendly approach.
We provide you with the facility of prenatal ultrasound during pregnancy to show images of your baby’s development.
Sometimes an additional process is used to provide further help for older women, for couples who have previously been unsuccessful with IVF or with frozen/thawed embryos. It is a micromanipulation procedure where a hole is made in the flexible shell that surrounds the cells of the early embryo. Normally, this membrane dissolves on its own since this is necessary for embryo implantation.
About 12 days after an embryo transfer, you’ll have a blood pregnancy test at our clinic the female fertility center in Lucknow. If a pregnancy is confirmed, you’ll be followed with blood tests and eventually, ultrasounds, to confirm viability and whether there’s a multiple pregnancy. If the pregnancy appears normal at 9-10 weeks, you’ll be referred back to your obstetrician.
Note: Avoid at home pregnancy tests during the IVF treatment.
We have a name established in the market, owing to our good track record of handling the diverse type of infertility issues and providing various types of solutions for it.
Dr Sunita Bhatia is specialized in her field and work towards achieving the best desired results.
Dr Sunita Bhatia, the best Gynecologist in Lucknow is dedicated to provide highest standard of pregnancy care for mother and baby during this delicate time.
At 4 weeks pregnant, baby is smaller than a poppy seed—practically microscopic. Baby is now known as a blastocyst, a teeny ball of cells, and is busy settling into his or her new home (your uterus), prepping for all the crucial development that will happen over the next six weeks.
Baby is the size of a cherry at 9 weeks pregnant. Your 9-week fetus measures around .9 inches and weighs about .07 ounces, and his or her growth is picking up steam! This week, you and baby have made two big accomplishments: You’ve made it to month three, and baby's no longer an embryo—now baby's a fetus.
At 13 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a lemon. Your 13-week fetus is about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and proportion-wise, his or her head is now about 1/3 the size of the body instead of ½. 13 weeks pregnant is 3 months pregnant. This is the last week of the first trimester.
At 18 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as an artichoke. Baby's about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and keeps growing quickly. That's why you're probably feeling so hungry! At 18 weeks, you’re officially four months pregnant.
At 22 weeks, baby is the size of a coconut. Average baby size at 22 weeks is 10.9 inches long (from the crown of the head to the heel of the foot) and 15.2 ounces.
At 27 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a head of lettuce. The average 27-week fetus measures 14.4 inches and weighs 1.9 pounds. But baby's not just getting bigger—he or she is also getting smarter.
At week 31 the average baby will be around 41.1cm long, likely weighing just over 3lbs and although they will not get much longer at this stage, but they will continue to put on weight each week.Their arms, legs and body are now in proportion with their head and their organs are continuing to develop.
At week 36 the average baby weighs around 7.5lbs at birth, so your little one has a bit more to gain just now, weighing in at around 6lbs at the 36 week mark. They’ll also measure in at close to 50cm and still have a little bit of growing left to do. During weeks 36-40 your baby gains body fat at a rate of at around 1-2lb per week.
At week 40 your baby is as big as a watermelon. Once you are at week 40, your baby is more than ready to be delivered, and you are no doubt more than ready to meet them! They’re likely to be around 50cm now and weighing between 6 and 8lbs which is a healthy weight.
We are expertise in providingfemale fertility treatments in Lucknow and treatinginfertility related problems from simplest to most difficult, resistant cases of infertility, including woman over 40 & those who have failed at other IVF Centers
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We have a grand infrastructure where comfort meets technology to provide patients with a homely environment. We are thelow cost IVF center in Lucknow equipped with modern facilities modeled keeping the comfort of our patients in mind
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Our pioneer center thebest fertility centre in Lucknow is well equipped with latest technology i.e. Modular Operation Theater with laminar air flow filters, well established embryo labs and unique sterile air shower to implement and assist the process of reproduction in the best possible way
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We care for you and hence our treatmentsand care are designated to satisfy individual needs. We atChandra IVF the best IVF centre in Lucknow know that each couple is unique so we provide personalized guidance in your fertility journey
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Our doctoris the best IVF doctor in Lucknow and an in house embryologist whois a recognized leaderin fertility care and has helped many couples achieve their dream of parenthood.
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At Chandra IVF Fertility Center, a low cost IVF center in Lucknow we care and we will listen. Our counselor will talk to you about your individual challenges. In addition, we provide the optimal level of care for mothers undergoing the treatment, covering all the common and important problems that occur during pregnancy, labor, delivery and the puerperium.
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Choose the type of department and your staff along with the time slot
24 Jul 2019
24 Jul 2019
24 Jul 2019
Ph: +91-8081300684
Address: Chandra Tower, TC-13,V-III, Vibhuti Khand, Besides Hyatt Regency, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010
After infertility, pregnancy is like a dream come true which we make possible at Chandra IVF by providing the best female fertility treatment in Lucknow. Having gone through the rigors of IVF treatment, possibly several times, you’re now entering a new stage of care.
Trusted by 15,000+ People
Chandra Tower, TC-13,V-III, Vibhuti Khand, Besides Hyatt Regency, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010