SAP (Substance Abuse Professional ) Evaluation starts at $255
SAP (Substance Abuse Professional ) Evaluation starts at $255
Around here at DOT SAP Program near me we have the very kind of person who can both complete your assessment and give you a proposal that will get you back out and about as quick as conceivable! Call us at 1-800-683-7745 today!

$255 - DOT SAP Program near me & SAP Evaluation(s) in all 50 States

A Substance Abuse Professional (SAP Evaluation) may be a person certified to staff United Nations agency have profaned a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and who agency makes recommendations regarding education, treatment, follow-up testing, and medical care.

An SAP provides the analysis and assessment (and in some cases the sole assessment) an leader could have in deciding whether or not or to not keep an worker within the service of the general public (i.e., place associate worker behind the wheel of a college bus, within the cockpit of a plane, at the helm of associate cargo ship, at the throttle of a train, within the engineering compartment of a subway automotive, or at the emergency management valves of a fossil fuel pipeline). SAP's responsibility to the general public is gigantic.

DOT SAP Program near me is associate advocate for neither the leader nor the worker. The SAP's perform is to safeguard the general public interest in safety by professionally evaluating the worker and recommending acceptable education and/or treatment, follow-up tests, and medical care.