
Lung Detox: Foods To Purify The Lungs
Maintaining healthy lungs is vital for optimal well-being. Nonetheless, common variables such as cigarette smoking, environmental pollutants, and an inflammatory diet can harm these two critical organs.
Poor dietary and lifestyle choices can result in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and pulmonary fibrosis.
However, research indicates that lifestyle modifications, including consuming a nutrient-dense diet, can protect the lungs and potentially minimise lung damage and disease symptoms.
In addition, certain minerals and foods have been discovered as particularly advantageous for lung function. Here is a list of foods to eat and avoid for good lung health.
What Affects Lung Health?
As the cold and flu season approaches, you or a family member may notice a buildup of phlegm or mucus in the lungs. Though chest congestion can be unpleasant and make breathing difficult, the body's natural response is to cough and mobilise mucus buildup in the lungs, causing the phlegm to loosen and thin.
If you have a persistent cough, you probably have an accumulation of mucus in your chest. Although this ailment is not life-threatening, it can negatively impact your quality of life. It can lead to more difficulties if left untreated.
What Foods Cleanse The Lungs?
Regular Pranayam and yoga practice help maintain healthy lungs, as is well-known. Nevertheless, specific meals and nutrients have significantly enhanced lung health and helps in lung detox. Let us study the health benefits of the foods to cleanse your lungs.
1. Garlic
Garlic's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities are beneficial in treating asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. According to recent studies, garlic has protective properties in lung cancer patients and can be utilised as a chemopreventive drug.
2. Turmeric
The spice turmeric is commonly used in Indian cuisine. Curcumin, which is present in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, and acute lung damage are pulmonary disorders with aberrant inflammatory responses in which curcumin is helpful, according to clinical studies.
3. Ginger
We utilise ginger in numerous dishes and beverages. It has several health benefits for our lungs and bronchodilation, and its anti-inflammatory characteristics make breathing easier for asthmatic sufferers.
Human clinical trials have proven the bronchodilatory properties of ginger. Additionally, ginger aids in the elimination of mucus by breaking it down.
4. Fish
Fish oil includes omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for people with chronic lung disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The anti-inflammatory characteristics of omega-3 fatty acids aid COPD patients in minimising lung inflammation. Furthermore, fish oil protects against lung infections produced by Haemophilus influenzae.
5. Citrus Fruits
Oranges and lemons are vitamin C and antioxidant-rich fruits. Vitamin C strengthens our immune system and aids us in combating respiratory infections. According to a study, fat high in vitamin C prevents wheezing in children and enhances lung function and breathing in COPD patients.
6. Onion
Onions are one of the most popular veggies among Indians. Years ago, it was used as a natural treatment for colds, influenza, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, onions are anti-inflammatory and asthmatic.
Avoiding Foods For Lung Health
Consuming specific meals benefits lung health, whereas avoiding some foods improves lung health. Here is a list of foods that are detrimental to lung health.
1. Savoury Foods
Excessive salt is hazardous to the lungs! Sodium induces fluid retention in people with lung illness, resulting in shortness of breath. Therefore, it is suggested that you minimise your sodium intake by using less salty spices and examining food labels to verify that no one serving has more than 300 mg of salt.
Use herbs and spices instead of salt to season food, and study food labels before purchasing to limit salt intake.
2. Milk and Dairy Products
Casomorphin, a byproduct of milk digestion, boosts the body's production of phlegm and mucus. This might increase coughing, leading COPD sufferers to wheeze and experience pain.
To decrease dairy consumption, replace lactose with milk alternatives such as almonds, oat, or soy milk.
3. Refined Meats
Nitrates are regularly added to cured meats and cold cuts for colouring and to extend their shelf life. However, these nitrates have been associated with an increase in hospital readmissions due to COPD.
4. Soda
In various ways, consuming soda can be hazardous for persons with lung illness. Carbon dioxide is used to carbonate soda, which can induce gas and bloating, making it harder to breathe. In addition, the high sugar level might exacerbate COPD symptoms by causing inflammation and weight gain.
Replace soda with non carbonated, flavoured beverages such as tea, flavoured water, or natural juice to minimise soda intake.
5. Fried Foods
Fried meals, such as french fries and onion rings, are heavy in harmful fats, which can induce diaphragmatic pressure and discomfort. This can lead to more excellent cholesterol and weight growth over time and lung discomfort due to bloating. These factors can exacerbate the symptoms of lung illness.
The Bottom Line
Lungs aid in respiration, and we are alive as long as we breathe. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehend the significance of the lungs to our survival. Regular practise of Pranayam and consumption of healthy foods can help you maintain healthy lungs and a healthy body as a whole.
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