If you feel you are going to experience hair loss in the near future. The clinic provides a permanent solution for hair loss at a reasonable Hair Transplant Cost in India. the experts of the clinic are supposed to examine your scalp thoroughly before they decide to perform the hair transplant surgery. So book your appointment to know more details now visit or contact us:- 9522222735
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Hairloss patients usually look for a permanent solution for hair losswith the help of a HairTransplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad.Authentic hair transplant surgeons do not treat the patientsimmediately but they are supposed to check the scalp and hair. Bydoing this, they try to find out whether you are a perfect candidatefor the surgery or not.
Theage of the patients along with the progression of baldness is themain factor that decides the candidacy of the hair loss patient.
However,there is no definitive age to get hair transplant surgery since eachhair loss patient has different body traits.
Expertssay that whenever a surgeon must examine the degree of hair loss tobe sure that hair transplant is an appropriate option or not.
Thedegree of baldness is usually examined with the help of the Norwoodscale. According to this scale, progression is divided into sevenphases. Every next phase is more severe than the previous phase.
ABrief Description Of Each Phase is Provided Below
Atthis stage, no hair loss is observed in any area of the scalp. Thepatients may witness an increased quantity of fallen hairs but novisible effects are there.
Thisphase is the start of hair loss around the temples. Also, thehairline shows a slight recession with excessive hair fall.
Now,baldness is clearly visible and the visible recession goes to thepoint where no hairs are found in the temporal regions. This phasestarts hair thinning on the top of the head and some balding spots onthe crown area are possible.
Thepatients may lose large patches of hairs and bald spots are moreevident on the scalp. More hair thinning takes place in the crownarea.
Hairloss on the crown area and hair loss on the temporal the region isabout to merge to make a large bald area on the scalp. The hairlinecontinues to recess to the point where a horseshoe-shaped pattern isobservable.
Alarge portion of hair is gone and you will notice a large bald areaon the scalp. Only a little hair remains on the crown area.
Onlya thin layer of the hair remains on the crown area with a fully baldscalp, in this phase, the treatment of hair loss is almostimpossible.
Lookat this progression pattern and imagine if you go for the treatmentwhile stage 4 is taking place. After the surgery, the progression isgoing to continue to form new bald areas on your scalp. It all meansan unnatural and odd look of your partly bald scalp.
Therefore,a wise surgeon would like to wait for some more years to ensure thebaldness is not going to progress in the near future.
Finally,you can go to the Avenues clinic any time if you feel you are goingto experiencing hair loss in the near future. The clinic provides apermanent solution for hair loss at a reasonable HairTransplant Cost in India.the experts of the clinic are supposed to examine your scalpthoroughly before they decide to perform the hair transplant surgery.